[center][h2]James Hunt|In Search of his Wayward Student[/h2][/center] [center][@Lunarlors34][@Cherrywitch][/center] James, at the end of the Games, had meant to catch Cody and see if he wanted to do more training of his swordsmanship. However, with the flux of people, both from the guild and watching in general, he lost sight of his student quickly. Eventually, he managed to get out the stadium and spotted Cody heading down the street. Knowing the young man wouldn't hear him at the distance they were at, James attempted to catch up in a timely matter, but only ended up seeming to trail him at a distance. Eventually, the unfortunate happenstance turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as his position allowed him to spot a girl follow Cody down the alleyway, one with a smile on her face that spoke of ill intention. Picking up his pace and being a little more pushy about moving through the crowd, he managed to reach the end of the alleyway in time to hear the girl's words. Whatever she had planned, however, was interrupted as the sound of the Paladin's sword leaving it's sheath echoed down the alley way and the girl felt the tip of the blade against her spine. [color=SteelBlue]"You would do well to leave my student alone, or state your business as requested. That smile I saw on your face before you followed him spoke of ill intention."[/color] [center][h2]Jake Ronan|Streets of Crocus[/h2][/center] [center][@Joshua Tamashii][/center] Jake smiled and chuckled. [color=SaddleBrown]"Well, I don't have anything super formal myself, so perhaps we could go and help each other pick out something? I mean, would save you from Krystal."[/color]