[center][b][h1][color=7bcdc8]Carver Fewkes[/color][/h1][/b] [@Raijinslayer][@Caits][@Joshua Tamashii][/center] Following Jarvis back to the Phoenix wing's hotel he hears him ask about where to put the guild mark and what color. Carver instantly replied, [color=7bcdc8]"On, my right shoulder and black if that isn't any trouble."[/color] Carver staying rather quiet after answering the question where he wanted the guild mark. He listening to the conversations going about. Carver then asks not directed any anyone just asking anyone who would listen, [color=7bcdc8]"So what is this ball I keep hearing about? I know Amaya was talking about it with Joshua. So it's a little get together for all the Phoenix Wing guild in a formal party?"[/color] Carver was thinking now he might go to that ball and meet the other guild members after he becomes a member. Primarily Carver was waiting for Jarvis, and the guild mark before he did anything else. Carver would have to remove his jacket to get the mark on his shoulder like he wanted. Carver noticed the other man Jarvis was talking to with a gift bag of sorts. The dude was fidgeting Carver noticing that the guy was nervous about talking about Marlene. Carver taking note of everyone he meets, he doesn't know when he will have to use the knowledge of someone's demeanor.