[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] Mithias did not so much as wince as the device on his wrist drew its sample. He waited. There seemed to be a problem, and he began to worry. Hopefully, they remembered NOT to outright kill him. He wondered, perhaps, if he were dangerously contaminated, they could contain him, isolate him... maybe find some way to purify him. In the worse case, they could launch him into space. Erm... Actually, he really hoped they wouldn't think of that one. Mithias took his arm back when the scanner was removed and rubbed his wrist with an anticipatory look upon his brow. "You are being taken to a holding cell for further testing..." Silently, the vampire nodded and gave himself up to the green marines. Being dragged off was a bit reminiscent of his first time meeting the Imperial forces. Ah, things had almost been better then. Still, he had no idea what the scanner had revealed about his blood as he was taken into the bunker for teleportation. Nonetheless, he was going to make it clear that he was no enemy, that if there was any hope for him, he willingly rest his trust with Vulkan and his army. There was something different about these beings who called themselves human. From both Vulkan and his men, Mithias could sense the greatest devotion and purity of heart. It was beautiful and disarming, logical and true, an aspect of their souls that was so real it practically had mass. It called to the noble, knightly cord in Mithias' heart, and already he knew he could never raise his hands against them. Carried in their metal gauntlets, Mithias bowed his head for the flaws he saw within himself that kept him shy of reflecting such glory. Deeply inspired, he inwardly began his repentance. Mithias entered the holding cell easily, oddly thanking his escorts as they locked him up and left. Day 3 was it? And now he would wait. ... He took a seat on the floor and folded his legs. Meditation would be best, his thoughts and emotions were a jumble. He had no idea where the Martin-bot had been lead to. Certainly, Martin would explain as much as he could. Mithias would have to divulge the rest, such as who Alucard was and what his capabilities were. It was quiet. ... A sinister fluid pulsed through his veins, and Mithias exhaled a controlled breath. What was Alucard's blood? If anyone could find out, perhaps the Imperium could. Their technology was extremely advanced as far as Mithias was concerned, and as long as they had him, they could run tests. Perhaps Alucard had accidentally given them the key to his own destruction by contaminating Mithias. One could only hope. Mithias concentrated to quiet the pulse of darkness within him. Soon he began to recall the events in the Atlantic. He and Tsukune had shared a bond of the soul, and he remembered a very specific sword technique, something that involved mind, body, soul, and science all acting on concert on the edge of a blade. The memory played out in his mind, over and over, and with each remembered stroke, more detail and more memory became clear. Pain of grief struck him as he also increasingly remembered the friend he had lost, and yet somehow this mental agony only made his concentration stronger, his cuts quicker in his mind. A radiant green energy stirred around the meditating vampire in his cell. It caused no harm to the structures around it, nor any harm to the one generating it, yet the black mark on the vampire's chest began to shrink slightly.