[img]http://puu.sh/sOSKM/c31a66b921.jpg[/img] [i]The evening looms, ahead...[/i] [hr] Within the horizon, the sun was already well on its way to setting, as brilliant hues of red and orange lit up the western sky. The celebrations were to begin at evening, and already St. Jeanne's Plaza was bustled with thousands. There were those eager to see stunning firework displays, and then there were those awaiting the massive feast of sumptuous meals within the stalls. Some were eager to set up shop and earn bucks big time, and some were awaiting the massive sale of whatever bits and pieces they wanted within the stalls. A long day awaits. [hr] The Prime Minister was a rather seclusive man, still reluctant to attend the festivities. And though he had tried to have that hidden, one could still clearly see his displeasure from, well, the fact that his left hand was shifting repeatedly to molten claws and back. He had the irritability of a demon, but had, otherwise, the heart of a kind man. But he had no choice; he was the star of this grand celebration, and shame was on him if he didn't hold that true. In front of his office, hundreds of Defense and Police Unit men stand guard. They were to escort the Prime Minister soon and partake in the ceremonies afterward. The Prime Minister was taking too long, however, and in the meantime the impatient infantrymen had gone to doing their own respective businesses, while he was still preparing himself and his attire rather... sluggishly.