[center][h1][color=9e005d]Stehrr[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/25cf4f813636cca34507de417b225ede/tumblr_o3zk89BU681qjl1wro2_500.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven --> The Raven, cockpit [hr] Stehrr was still standing awkwardly as he watched the scene unfolding with the strange prisoner female and the two medics, when he heard Luke’s voice summoning him to the ship’s controls over the PA system. At first reluctant to leave Denali and Kayala in the company of two of their supposed enemies, the Wookiee complied after some firm reassurance from the Echani medic that Morgbra and his patient wouldn’t be inclined to try and harm his friends. Shuffling back through the compartments until he made his way back to the cockpit, Stehrr arrived just in time to catch Sutton’s question to the captain. [b][color=00ff99]"Where are we running to, Captain?"[/color][/b] [b][color=9e005d]”《Yes, what we do now, Luke?》”[/color][/b] Stehrr grumbled in agreement as he settled into the pilot’s seat and took the controls, fully prepared to carry out evasive maneuvers once they broke the planet’s atmosphere. Now that the Imperials knew they were here, the chances of them slipping away unnoticed were very very slim. [b][color=9e005d]”《Must go somewhere they not follow us. At least place they not find us quickly.》”[/color][/b] their current situation was far from ideal, and with Morgbra and Jaina on board the Empire would come looking for them, but they could hope to lose them in the time being at least. [hr] [hr] [h1] [color=8493ca]Denali Keesda[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2cec8a9b2e5c89c25c096c2cc41c7134/tumblr_n86t0aFu3N1rt9t65o6_250.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] [hr] The Raven, medbay --> The Raven, hallway/common area [hr] Stehrr disappeared off back to the bridge as the Raven’s engines hummed to life once again and Luke prepared to get them out of this sticky situation they had managed to find themselves in. The ship’s current course would be the least of Denali’s concern, instead he would have to focus on Morgbra and the young woman in front of him. He wanted to protest to the other doctor’s insistence that they keep her away from the medbay, after all how were they going to help her if they didn’t have access to the proper equipment and medicines? But taking in her….strange choice of attire, he didn’t have to do an awful lot of putting two and two together to conclude that she likely wasn’t in complete control of all her mental faculties. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he could see Kayala smirking. [b][color=8493ca]“Well, that sounds familiar.”[/color][/b] he shot the Face a teasing smirk of his own before the Echani man stepped back as Jaina began to stir and mumbled something to Morgbra. Kayala suggested moving her to her own quarters, and Denali nodded his agreement. If there was anywhere on the ship that was likely to look least like a medbay it would be Kayala's personal space. He kept his distance and let Morgbra talk to Jaina, hopefully he could encourage her along in the right direction with a few words; or failing that if she was too weak to walk still they could always carry her there. Denali thought it would be safer for him to keep his distance and just watch for now unless Morgbra actually asked him to do anything, the woman was his patient and he knew her better than Denali could have hoped to just by looking her over once. [/center]