[@Lunarlors34] [color=0076a3][h3]Indigo[/h3][/color] Strolling down the streets looking for any means to occupy his time since the games were over with, this was a tough situation, one where he almost considered fighting Nidhogg to pass the time with before their guild master told them to do something fun. It was a bit more boring than usual due to the fact that more guards were around, so what he did for fun wouldn't really pass. Although pulling a prank on some of the city's guards might be a bit interesting. Yet before he could think any further he nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden weight on his back and the female voice shouting his name, with her arms around his neck. He held his hand over his heart as if he was trying to keep it from popping out of his chest. He would turn his head sideways to see Angela's grin, and would give a poker face in return. Yet Indigo would waver and eventually burst out laughing. [color=0076a3]"Geesh Angela, nearly caused me to pee my pants. You wandering around bored like me? I was looking forward to watching the guilds try and maim each other. Watching people from different guilds working together only to turn on each other. Its events like those that show someone's true colors."[/color] He said not bothering to remove the young woman from his back, as he tapped his chin. [color=0076a3]"Yet I've been trying to think of something.... fun to do. Something involving the guards. A prank if you will, yet what kind of prank is the question, do you have any ideas?"[/color]