[@Shoryu Magami] Actually, this is the kind of format I had in mind, for example: [indent]June 15, 2003 (Aged 13)[/indent] Personally I'm not too fond of the format you have above - because it looked too "computerized" to me, rather than realistic. I mean, technically when people fill up any forms in real life, most probably don't write their birthdate in the way you've illustrated above, and few people would actually bother to remember the exact day (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...) their birthdate fell on in their birth year. (For me, I have two birthdates because another is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which gives me more headache - well, just a trivia.) I'm more inclined to follow the one you've already provided in the CS template. As for stylizing the CS, my practice is to follow the given coding the GM has provided when applying my character for approval (with very minor tweaks to simplify the coding for myself to make sure it doesn't get errors, because most of the time I type all the coding manually in a Notepad app on my phone since I'm often on the move), and experiment with more stylized aesthetics in my own CS archive thread. EDIT: Actually, now that I think of it, adding timezone to the DOB in this RP isn't necessary since all player characters would be in the same place - in Paris. Lol.