Amarilla's maddeningly energetic fidgeting and movements finally ceased as Irthorne gathered the group's attention. It seemed the gnome was ready to unveil who would be going where. In an even split, it seemed Amarilla herself would be fortunate enough to be traveling in the crypt herself. How joyous she was at that thought, that she'd soon get to venture into those depths out of the pesky sunlight and see the inhabitants down below. Not that telling the difference between one level of excitement or another with Amarilla was an easy task. Irthorne listed off the other individuals that would be entering as well. First, there was Bartimus who Amarilla was quite interested to learn about and after him, Skarrab-Alea who Amarilla was also interested in learning about. She hadn't yet placed the other two names to specific faces as of yet as she'd been too caught up in trying to get a good look at everyone all at once despite the harsh daylight, but she was easily able to narrow them down to belonging to the young girl and the ilithid as theirs were the only names she hadn't heard spoken aloud yet. Maybe. Amarilla was having a bit of trouble keeping track of all of these names and identities, she realized, as this was the first time she'd personally seen so many individuals gathered in one place. Nonetheless, her theory about the names was more or less confirmed as she headed for the crypt as per Irthorne's instruction when Lorrick spoke up to dispute his position outside the crypt and who would watch the girl, and the ilithid moved from his current position to the crypt as well, with his own message; he was capable of linking thoughts? As in, a mass telepathic conversation, in some manner or another? Amarilla herself had no objection at the proposition, though she did find the thought of speaking without [i]speaking[/i] to be something she was not at all familiar with. "So, then, how does that wor -" she spoke up but stopped herself, then [i]thought[/i] to the ilithid, [i]Wait, so, is this how this works? I think at you? Is that right?[/i] Amarilla was uncertain if her thoughts were actually doing anything or if she was just thinking to herself and staring intensely at the ilithid.