[h2][center]Nori[/center][/h2] Nori dismounted her horse carefully as Umbra fired at the mysterious spear woman, examining the bodies of the fallen soliders. She had little reason to impart any trust on the girl, though experience did tell her that what she was suggesting wasn't outside the realm of possibility. The young captain, afterall, was a prime target for assassination, and there is no better bait than a comrade in trouble. “I...” she begins hesitantly, hand remaining on the hilt of her sword. “I am inclined to agree with Mistress Radistirin. Lay down your arms and allow us to investi-” she is cut off abruptly from an explosion of movement from the wagon trailing behind the group. [h2][center]Gillian[/center][/h2] Gillian stared in awe of the carnage that was before them as they entered the fortress. He'd seen slaughter like this before, hell even been part of it. But these werent orcs or bandits, these were soldiers of Thaln. Their soldiers Reon damn it. And now the undead woman wanted to play nice? “LIKE HELL.” He yells, cutting off the rabbit as he leaped from the wagon, landing a meter or so away from the spear woman. He considered engaging her for a moment, but decided against it. The elf (a trait he'd note for later, given his agreement with soulscale) held the advantage of range, and he doubted he could best her if they clashed blades. That she even called for aid in the first place made the giant all the more appealing a target. [i]”Weapons no good here. Spears not getting through that armor and sword even less so. Need to make an opening first...”[/i] He thinks, rushing the larger man, hoping the others would be able to distract the spear woman. “Le Bras du Géants” He breathes, feeling mana rush into the demonic arm, bones creaking under the strain of the tightening artificial muscles. Once he closed enough distance, Gillian leaps at the armored behemoth, hoping to crack the murderer square in the breastplate.