[@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Wraithblade6] [@Tyki] [@thewizardguy] "Power? A stone? May, may I see it?" Ozo pipes up, his interests peaked by such a thing. Evil powers normally were bad news, and while he had no real idea how to study it, he'd give it a shot. Besides, he knew that such artifacts, if that was what it was, could hold terrible powers, ones that could cause pain and suffering. "Worst comes to worst, I'll eat the damn thing." He thinks, his mind wandering to all the possibilities of what this stone could do. Destroy the world, summon undead, manipulate reality to blot out the sun itself?! All such horrible possibilities. It was his right...no, his duty as a hero to destroy this thing, should he detect it to be truly vile! He was Ozo, the GREAT! He would not stand by, hands in pockets, as some poor unsuspecting girl was stuck being bullied by some dark wizard, or whatever being could muster up dark powers! "Also, Miss, you've found yourself embroiled in some madness then, but fear not. I'll make sure you are safe. My name is Ozo, some call me the Great. I fancy myself a hero. Going around, saving people, and you will be no different. Evil fears my bite, and there for, you will be safe with me here." He declares, pointing a finger to the sky as he says as such, striking a heroic pose. Well, as heroic as a fat catfish frog man can be.