[center][h2][color=662d91]Ridley[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@QwertyYerty][@Eviledd1984] Before Ridley could respond he noticed the charging attack a mere second before it struck him, even then it was too late for him to react. The hulking brute of a creature managed to strike Ridley in the ribs before he could dodge out of the way. The force knocked him off his chair but his reflexes landed him on all fours before he could actually hit the ground. His tail whipped violently behind him knocking over a table. He let out a primal screech [color=a187be]"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU PATHETIC WHELP!?"[/color] he was infuriated by the sudden attack. The space dragon didn't even stop to think about his actions before he lunged at the Krogan, wings spread to simulate no escape from his charge and rammed his head into the creatures chest in absolute rage.