As the deed was over with, he grabbed a mirror with intention to switch back. Saying the first name that came to his mind: [color=708090]"Chaaaaarley"[/color]- in a sing song voice. As he got teleported back he looked at Nick while smiling, almost ready to burst in laughter. [color=708090]"Well played youuu half-arsed fuckup! Nicely done!" [/color]- he went on as he swept the bar counter clean and lay down on his back on top of it. Giving a low laughter as he reached for a drink, opened it and started drinking as he was. Abruptly getting up after gulping down 1/4 of the beverage, with the hand that he was holding the drink Jonathan pointed at Jarvis. [color=708090]"Since I'm the one doing the actual job here, I better get a fucking raise! You could take it out of Nick's share. I believe in payment by work, not participation."[/color]- he finished before Jarvis retreated to the kitchen A bottle of Whisky on one hand, he turned to the files and started quick reading only focusing on the relevant info.