[quote=@Phoenix] [@c3p-0h] Haha! Yeah, I could tell. Seems to be "hot headed" in that way. I liked how you pulled off the fact she's chasing headlong into something she's totally unprepared for but still calm enough to make quick decisions that solves a problem with the least resistance. It really showed a lot of character development. I just wanted to voice my appreciations for your efforts. ^^ [@Xan the G] Although, I'm not helping much either. I'm at a loss of how to get him to where he needs to go. I'm still brainstorming of things I can do to make it happen. I'll probably implement a small time skip to get it going. I feel bad for failing you. :( [/quote] The best thing to do is to consider Jin's story like a side event in Fallout or Skyrim; everyone else's story is a legit mission, Jin's story is kind of like sitting around in a town long enough to see a special interaction between npcs. ...lol in other words, write as if my character wasn't important, just write what the NPCs would normally do, and I'll rp Jin intervening like a detective would!