Jace stared up at the stone man with a blank expression. He had no idea what the man was talking about, and was a little worried. ‘What is a Sniggit?’ Jace thought to himself with a dumfounded thought pattern. Then, he noticed the small, rat like person… or rather… The small person like rat. He watched as the small beast kin walked up and ordered some food in a way he could barely understand. It was official; Jace was totally lost in the conversation around him. He curled up in a ball on the ground in desperation. “I am so confused” Jace said as he slowly stood up after a few seconds of being on the ground. He wanted a drink. Reluctantly, he reached into his bag and grabbed a small bottle he had been saving. He took out the cork and took a swig of the stuff inside. With a loud sigh he took the bottle away from his mouth. He always made sure to keep at least two small bottles of whiskey to help make the long nights shorter. Jace spent the majority of his time alone on the road, so he had to have some way to pass the time. He sat on one of the benches and took another big swig, finishing off the bottle. He took the bottle away, admiring the taste and warmth he felt. He made a mental note to pick up more before leaving the city. But based on the amount of money and food he had, leaving would be impossible for quite a while. With a tired chuckle he looked up at the sky, admiring the clouds, patiently waiting for his food with a rumbling stomach.