Callie gave a soft laugh, [color=fff200]"Ah, but a figment of my imagination would say that, wouldn't they?"[/color] She smiled, and there wasn't really anything that could convince her to get up right them, warm and happy. It was quite endearing, the sleepiness in his voice, and he was quite a lure in himself. She nestled close, even as he pulled her to him. [color=fff200]"I always wake early"[/color] She said, [color=fff200]"When the sun is up, I'm up. Besides I can think of a few reasons why being up early is a good thing"[/color] she said, with amusement and shifting just slightly again, she kissed him for a moment, before pulling away, [color=fff200]"Well, that and herbs are best to pick in the morning"[/color] Still, there was a lot more of a lure here, then to going out an picking herbs...a little time couldn't hurt, right? [@Kyrisse]