[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Gertrude Blackbourne[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Central City[/center] A brand new day. A scarlet headed, spectacled young lady wheeled down the street, taking in the morning breeze. A wonderful, glorious day it was! A day for action, a day for adventure, a day... for science! This was the day Gertrude Blackbourne was finally allowed to go out into the world on her lonesome, to achieve her own scientific dreams! And by the very cataclysmic event that created our planet, she wasn't gonna do anything but seize the day! She knew precisely what she had to do first, though. No matter WHAT field of science she'd study, she had to have SOMETHING to defend herself. Like a Pokemon, of course. The only issue that could present itself, of course, was the possible dangers of the outskirts of town. In a world populated by mice with teeth strong enough to pierce steel, and small birds creating hurricanes, it was [i]quite[/i] a scary world to venture out into, unprepared. Which is why she was gonna be prepared! Yes, quite! All she had to do was find a decent enough protector, maybe even something she could observe, from a safe distance, of course, and who knows, maybe it'll be almost like a pet to her? The idea almost began to excite her, her dreams soon to be realized. And so she kept on rolling, to the outskirts of town.