[center][h1]SO HOW MANY OF Y'ALL HAVE SEEN/REMEMBER DIS SHOW:[/h1] [img]https://dmg04.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/chu2.png[/img] [hr][hr] [H1]WHATTA 'BOUT DESE MOE AF MOFOS[/H1] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/3bff/i/2012/321/b/b/fan_art___chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai_by_riki_to-d5l8sux.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h1]IF NOT DAT, DEN WHATTA 'BOUT DIS GIF MEEMEE?[/h1] [img]https://dmg04.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/tumblr_mklqr07cu41s3ukwno1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [H1]IF NOT, WELL DEN Y'ALL FUCKER CLEARLY HAVEN'T SEEN CHUUNIBYOU DEMO KOI GA SHITAI.[/H1][h2](AKA "LOVE, CHUUNIBYOU AND OTHER DELUSIONS" FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T SPEAK WEEB.)[/h2] [h3](AKA "EVEN WITH 8TH GRADER SYNDROME I STILL WANT TO FIND LOVE" FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO SPEAK ENGLISH WITH A HEAVY WEEB ACCENT)[/h3] [hr][hr] [h1][i]"WHAT THE FUCK IS A CHUUNIBYOU SEMPAI?"[/i] YOU ASK? WELL BOYO, HERE IT IS:[/H1][/center] [quote=Wikipedia or some shit][h3]Chuu • ni • byo • u [sub][i]/Chew-NEE-boy-éw/[/i][/sub][/h3] noun [color=CCCCCC](informal/slang)[/color] [indent][sub]The tendency of a character to pretend to be a made-up character from fantasy such as a vampire, demon, angel, wizard, alien, warrior or people with special bloodline, often imagining themselves to possess magical/super powers or cursed items. Characters with chūnibyō tend to have a unique manner of speech, dress in gothic clothing, and sometimes wear objects such as bandages or eyepatches to represent their persona. The term refers to 12-14-year-old children, but can also be used to describe characters who exhibit these traits regardless of their actual age.[/sub][/indent][/quote] [hr][hr] [CENTER][H1]SO WTF IS THIS? WHY THIS IS AN RP BASED ON THAT IDEA BUT LEMME RUN DOWN THE LIST:[/H1] *clears throat* [table][row][cell][h1]GENERICANIMEHIGHSCHOOL,SOMEOFYOUFUCKSARECHUUNIBYOUSSOMEOFYOUAREN'TANDYOUDOSHITBECAUSEYOUENDUPLUMPEDINTHESAMECLUBROOMAFTERSCHOOL[/h1][/cell][/row][/table] [H1]SO YEH, GOT DAT? YES? GOOD. NO? TOO BAD. DO I EXPECT THIS TO GO ANYWHERE/LAST A LONG TIME? HELLA NAW, I'M IN THIS FOR THE [s]COCAINE[/s] FUN. AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO IF YOU DECIDE TO GET DRUGGED UP 'NUFF TO SAY YOU WANT IN CUZ DAT'S WHAT RPING IS 'BOUT, HAVIN' FUN SO IF YOU WANT SOME PRECEPTS OF WAR/MYRAID REALITY SHIT... WELL GO JOIN PRECEPTS OF WAR OR MYRAID RELAITY NOW IF THIS FUCKING BASTARD STEPCHILD OF AN IDEA GETS ANYWHERE I'LL MAKE AN ACTUAL PRETTY OOC THING FOR NOW YOU'LL JUST GET AN ASIAN CHANNELLIN' HIS INNER ANGRY INDEPENDENT OL' BLACK MAN WHO NEEDS SUM HIS DAYMN PILLZ[/H1] [sub][sub][s]ohlordlordjesusinthenameofeverythignsweetandholywhydidIdothiskillmenowgodplzforIhavecreatedtheangriestandworseinterestcheckeverohhowgreatlyIhathsinned[/s][/sub][/sub][/CENTER]