[h3][center][b]The Dinner Prt 1. Collab Post, Grey, Spud & Silent[/b][/center][/h3] [hider=mood music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO1rMeYnOmM[/youtube][/hider] All things in life time devours, More precious than silver or gold, It can be bought by the hour, But it can never truly be sold. If only there was more time in a day. Squeezed out or stretched, just a moment longer. A minute more to hold your beloved and tell him or her ‘I love you.” Was it so much to ask? Was it so much to do? Or was circumstance the cruel interloper who the time we have so limited? All dolled up, a world of relief, whisked away by the magic of a face mask. The years peeled back and lifted, oh if only time was truly so easy. In truth she was still old, beautiful but old. Soon her children will grow up, and like Leith leave her to live their own lives. For now however, it fell upon Meredith to hold this family together. Four o’clock, where did the time go? “Thanks May, for everything. I should drop you back at home, are you finished today? And go pick up Bailey and Taron.” “It’s quite alright” May replied, she seemed oddly chirpy, more so than usual, it seemed bonding with her sister over a face mask had done her some good as well. “Actually …” she trailed off, “I may or may not be going out myself tonight” she flirted with the idea. She’d been hanging out with other single friends her age, getting back out there, but, also not getting back out there, just being together with like-minded individuals who’d loved and lost or who’d loved and just … fell out of love. Sometimes they went on random trips out, sometimes they pulled, sometimes they didn’t. May didn’t pull, but it seemed her grief was waning slowly and surely. Perhaps tonight someone might catch her eye. Either way, she was happy to let Meredith have some quality time with the kids- or … At least two of the kids. She didn’t want to impose. “Oh come on May, I need you there if Rick tries anything with in front of the kids. But if you really can’t make it..” Well it was wiser to bring her along.After all, without May, Meredith was rather worried about trusting Rick with the kids. “Are you sure? … I didn’t want to impose” May’s brows furrowed, she didn’t want to impede too much on the family space, then again … if it was what Meredith wanted, May couldn’t exactly deny her sister, she adored her and Meredith effectively put a roof over her head! “I’m sure, plus I’d hate to have Rick order a dinner for two or something like that and split it with me romantically. The kids will probably order something they think they’ll like, and I can opt for a dinner for three with you there. I need a third wheel to make sure this evening is more about our family than him.” May smile-frowned … Smiled because it was nice to be included in the family picture, to be appreciated by Meredith as she was, but frowning because of Meri’s concerns … Her man might make the night about him, she wanted things to be about the family. It went without saying, May had to attend, the kids meant so much to Meredith. “Alright, I won’t say no to a free meal. He [i]is[/i] paying right?” “Do you think we’ll let him [b]not[/b]?” A slight chuckle from Meredith as the buildings came into view. Four twenty six, on time to pick Bailey and Taron up, with four minutes to spare. The car’s engine running as Meredith waited for the kids to emerge from school gates, her heart happy to be able to be there for her kids. This time at least. “Bailey, Sweetie How was your day, was choir fun? Where’s your brother, I was sure he’d be done by now…” Bailey shrugged, “Yeah, it was alright I guess” she answered, non-committal as always, her answers usually came with little “oomph” in them. May had put it down to regular old teenage angst and apathy. “Not as fun as you thought it was? Or were the songs just too easy for you honey?” There was a hint of concern in her voice, although a mother’s voice often was far too steeped with concern. Especially in these days, when teabags are left too long in their pots, resulting in a disturbingly bitter brew. And though the tea looked invitingly dark, and felt soothingly hot, only the tongue could taste how vile it was. “It was fine” Bailey shrugged, “Same as it usually is. Alice got the solos, she's the best in the group” Bailey said, her venom very well concealed, buried deep under layer upon layer of bullying and fear. Alice was always Queen Bee. “Oh I think you are the best Bailey. When’s your next concert or performance? We can all go and watch.” A look at May practically said ‘they grow up so fast’ times like these were precious memories. Memories which would hopefully never dull against the sharp blade of time and dementia. She would always remember her kids, Bailey, Taron, Leith, if only she could remember a time they were all happy. Or at least didn’t know any better in the case of toddler Taron and baby Bailey… “I don’t know” Bailey replied, maybe in time they’d forget about “choir”, or she’d claim she grew bored of it and find some other excuse to cover her tracks. Either way, Bailey knew there would be no performances, they wouldn’t see, they weren’t allowed. “Well maybe you’ll hear soon, schools always organise all sorts of events” May said in a conciliatory tone. The boy in question was on the other side of the road, leaning against the solid stone wall that made up the first level of his high school. One arm was wrapped around the thin waist of a pretty brown skinned girl, a smile on his lips. This one so unlike the others he showed at home. Those were lopsided, half felt gestures tinged with the slightest bit of sarcasm and contempt. His eyes were on the shorter female his free hand lifting to toy with a pretty black braid. “You would cringe so hard if you met my family,” the teen chuckled, thin braid twirling between his fingers. It wasn’t the first time they had this conversation, most of their time spent at Zuri’s home. It was one of the only places he didn’t feel forgotten. No one worried about the middle child. No one payed any close attention to what they did outside of the home, hell even inside of the home. Plenty of dinners were skipped while he was shoved into his room to play games, that is, unless he was with Ceren. Then noses would pop in every few moments to ‘see how things were going’. God, they really couldn’t be any more transparent. Zuri’s was different. They were treated normally, checked in on her because her parents were just kind people, genuinely asking if they wanted something to drink or eat instead of thinly veiled lies to stave off things that would never happen. It didn’t hurt that the girl herself was absolutely breathtaking. “Taron! Get in! We’ve got a dinner to go to. Sorry! Taron’s gotta change and get ready.” There it is, the cat let out of the bag. How embarrassing to have one’s mother shouting at you from the open window. Who was that next to Taron? Was that Zuri? They looked rather strange together, the boy a half-a-head taller. Still though if Taron found something, Meredith’s mom senses went full tingle and hoped Taron was being smart about how far he was taking the relationship. If Meredith could accept Leith’s choices however, could she really be so worried about Taron? What sort of mother would she be? May noticed the shorter, dark-skinned beauty hanging out with Taron, so [i]that[/i] must be Zuri. May had to admit she was pleasantly impressed, so many girls walked around caked in makeup with their skirts hiked up halfway up their arses, but Zuri seemed fresh, naturally quite pretty without a great deal of fuss. If appearances were anything to go by, Taron had done quite well with Zuri, but then again, she’d never really met the young girl, sometimes the sweetest looking girls could be rotten to the core. May hoped Zuri wasn’t that type of girl. “Um, Taron, I think they’re waiting on you” Zuri said with a shy smile, pointing toward Meredith’s car. Taron huffed, all hopes of escaping his barely coping family tossed right out the very open window his mother had shouted at him from. Could she be any more annoying? He didn’t dare ask, for fear it may actually come true. “Unfortunately,” he huffed, an irritated glance cast his mother’s way before it softened as he looked at Zuri. The girl was abnormally sweet and understanding, like a breath of fresh air in his overcrowded home. “I’ll call you afterwards?” He spoke with a hopeful tone. Zuri smiled, nodding in affirmation before her lips met his cheek. It was chaste, much tamer than other kisses they’ve shared, but still made his stomach erupt with butterflies. He smiled, before heading to his car, waving at his girlfriend before dropping into the backseat, smile gone and a mild glare pointed at his mother. “Could you be any more embarrassing?” He spoke, clearly annoyed by her less than...inconspicuous arrival. “Texting is a thing.” [hr] A mother’s hand armed with a pen. The ball rolling ink over the paper pad, curving upwards, then sharply downwards, a turn abruptly done before rising to the right and curling left into the divot. A heart, a symbol so often used in these times its meaning lost. Was it a friendship heart? Thrown at the end of a line between close friends? An endearment or excitement, an innocent cuteness meaning nothing more than friendship? Was it a motherly heart? Filled and overflowing with the care for her child? The remainder of safety and comfort, a caring symbol of a mother’s love. Was it a lover’s heart? Something which means more than the other two, much more. Of which it was clear by her message, to which she had attached the money Ceren had turned down. [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [i]Richard invited us to dinner this afternoon, feel free to stop by if you can make it. Some cash for you and Ceren to have dinner together. ❤ Mom.[/i] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] “Taron, Bailey! Are you both ready?” Peeking out the door, Meredith could see Kristoff waiting by an SUV. Six seats, Meredith, May, Leith, Taron and Bailey, with Kristoff of course as driver. Richard must have already been waiting at the place. At least they were spared the conversation with Richard in the car, and Kristoff was never much of a conversationalist. Meredith could ask him all the questions she wanted and the man seemed to only reply with an indifference to everything, or a rare nod or directional hand gesture. Meredith assumed he was a mute. “Come on kids, Kristoff’s waiting!” Bailey sloped down the stairs, wearing one of the “dinner dresses” Meredith had stashed in her wardrobe when Richard first came on the scene. “Looking presentable” was important apparently … despite the lovely knee-length dress, Bailey still wore a pair of converse sneakers that didn’t match. She didn’t really care much about getting dressed up or glamorous … she didn’t feel pretty enough for all that fuss. Her hair was scooped back into a messy loose bun. Her head and toes didn’t match the lovely dress in the middle at all. May frowned when she noticed Bailey’s lazy appearance, but what could she do? May on the other hand looked quite swanky. The beautiful dress Will had gotten her still fit (actually fit a little better now, she’d lost a couple of pounds), hair swept back off her face, a subtle dusting of bronzer gave her a healthy glow and glossy red lipstick completed the look. Taron bounded down the stairs, nose in his phone. His fingers flew over the screen as he texted, who one could only assume, was his girlfriend. He wore a button up shirt and black slacks with black leather shoes. It was minimal, seeing as neither child actually wanted to go, neither really put much effort into dressing. Sending off his last text, phone slipped into his pocket, Taron was the only one who dared question anything his mother did, especially if he didn’t want to do it. “Why do we have to go to dinner so you can make googly eyes at your boyfriend again?” he wondered with an air of nonchalance as he made his way to the door. This whole thing was stupid and he much rather be at Zuri’s or hanging out with Ceren, not that his mother was a fan. Honestly, he’d rather be anywhere but with his mother and her boyfriend at dinner. [hr] [i]irasshaimase![/i] Greetings, it seemed as they entered. Haru looked like quite the place. Decorated in arranged flowers receded into hanging shelves, the smell of food wafting through the air as fires erupted from the hot tables controlled by the hat-toting, knife catching chefs entertaining diners with knifework and foodplay. It was rather vibrant, alive with the graces of the far east, with fancy carved dividers and stone-tabletops. Bottles of wine behind the counters of a long bar where men in suits clinked their stoneware cups with shouts of cheers. An old man stood behind a glass case, his hands pressing slivers of raw fish into blocks of rice, the look on his face as if he was concentrating on every single grain within his hand to marry them with each other and the fish. And to top it all off, the epitome of being a high-end place perhaps, was the hot towels the hostess offered with which was supposedly to relax with and the slippers. Oh yes, slippers for the floors were wood and guests were instructed to remove their shoes and check them in with the front, in the alcoves behind the wall and enjoy a semi-authentic experience. Oh Good. at least Bailey’s shoes wouldn’t be a problem now. Bailey wasn’t impressed … Then again, pizza and chips was her idea of a good dinner … not this avant-garde or a-la-carte or … whatever fancy french word this high-class food went by. May was more than happy to be there though, ooh-ing and ah-ing at the talented chefs at work. Taron was being his cynical teenage self, scoffing at it all, sharing much of the same attitude as his sister. Being requested to take off her shoes resulted in Bailey’s nose crinkling slightly in confused disgust … Who ate with their big smelly feet stinking up the room? Eww, weird. Still, she had no choice but to comply and shook off her beat up sneakers. No doubt if Richard saw the much-loved sneakers, he’d immediately demand they take her out shopping for a new pair. Bailey wouldn’t give them up easily though, they were comfortable and she’d grown attached to them as teenage girls often did. “Will always said he’d love to see the Far East in person someday” May sighed, sadly a dream never realised. She could never hope to afford restaurants like this, she and Will had experimented with recipes at home, or gone to the small Asian market in town, this place was 5* posh-nosh, as much as sushi reminded her of Will, May was well aware that this experience was utterly unlike the kinds she’d shared with her old flame, it was probably better that way, if she were in the Asian market eating a warm sticky pork-bun from a napkin she may have been reduced to tears. This was a welcome change from that familiarity, and yet, it was nice to eat Japanese food again and enjoy it without the sharp pang of loss stabbing at her gut. “Oh wow..” Meredith was impressed, well more than impressed: amazed. This was a place they would probably have never even imagined they would be eating at. How much does the food cost? They haven’t even given us a menu or anything to look over, was that a lobster tank around the wall they just passed by? And prawns? Langoustines? Far too rich for their blood. “Let’s make sure Rick foots the bill huh May?” A laughing jest, May stifled a chuckle as they followed their hostess to the table. Their table it seemed was behind a private screen, a sliding door of authentic paper, a shoji, which was pulled back to reveal Richard fiddling with his phone before they caught his attention. “Meri! May! It’s great to see you all!” Well not all, Leith was missing but it seemed that was small potatoes to Richard. “Come on sit down, we’ve got the entire table to ourselves. Spread out, but you’re right next to me obviously Meri, I’ll have them clear off Leith’s spot since he’s clearly decided not to join us tonight.” Richard was already starting it seemed, taking control of the situation and asserting himself into a position of power within the family already. “Thanks for inviting us Rick, sadly Leith had to work late, I’m sorry he couldn’t make it to this lovely dinner you’ve set up for us. May, did you want to be next to me and the kids could be on the other side? Taron you’re fine with sitting next to Richard right? And Bailey you can sit with Taron sweetie, you’re both old enough to not need mom or aunt May right? Or would you rather have Mommy next to you and auntie with your brother?” And now it seemed Meredith was all the better, quickly playing musical chairs to put the damper on Richard’s attempt to push her family around. Hopefully Richard would forget all about the missing member, and they could all have an enjoyable evening together. May knew it was a lie … She was positive everyone knew the lie... Leith hadn’t decided, he’d been deceived, but it was for a greater good. Bailey knew it was better that Leith wasn’t here, though she’d have liked his company. She shuffled from place to place as she was bid. Quiet and moody, but at least she was an obedient little girl. May noticed her grades slipping slightly at school but didn’t voice concern, it may have been an unlucky string of tests, if it was something to be worried about, Meredith would have picked up on it by now. Taron stared at his mother for a long moment, watching as she let yet another jibe at her eldest son slide, and for what? He didn’t understand why she put up with this, why she let Richard get away with the things he said. If it were anyone else, and he did mean anyone else, Meredith would have their heads. Everyone knew Leith was the golden child, that he could do no wrong. It was annoying beyond belief but Leith was always obnoxiously kind, so Taron really didn’t hold it against him, not really. His mother was what annoyed him, what made him feel any animosity towards his brother. The lie that spilled from her lips only made his contempt for the woman grow. Not only was it a crock of complete bullshit, it was transparent as hell. He kept it to himself though, rolling his eyes and doing as the woman said. He felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket, mood lifting slightly as he pulled his phone out, a light smile flickering for just a moment. “Oh, that reminds me, I’ve got some gifts for everyone. Taron, come here and help me with this box. I hope it’s something you like, I don’t know what the kids your age are playing these days so I asked the guy to help me choose the best.” Taron’s gaze flicked up from his phone, half annoyed about being dragged away from Zuri, again, yet half intrigued. It was no secret that Richard tried to buy them. Taron allowed it because, well, who wouldn’t accept free shit? The guy was a prick and he loathed having to be here at all, but the large box was what made it almost not so bad. He still hated Richard, gifts or not, but at least he got [i]something[/i] for being at this. A large box, rather suspiciously heavy, stacked with a thinly disguised layer of three rectangular addons over the top surface. Any gamer could probably guess what those three bulges were, and the contents of the wrapped box. It was a rather poor attempt to disguise a gaming console and three new games. A PS4, a shooting game, action-adventure and racing, all trying to pretend to be so mysterious. “Rick, you shouldn’t have, Taron’s already spending too much time on his games-” “Oh it’s fine Meri, it’s fine isn’t it Taron? Tell your mother you’ll still focus on your studies and whatever it is she’s concerned about while still playing your new games.” “I’ll study or whatever,” Taron muttered with a shrug before he took his new gift to his seat, setting it beside himself, phone back out as he text Zuri the latest ‘crap’ Richard just tried to buy him with. “And for your sister, Bailey, come here princess, I’ve got something for my Meri’s little girl… Close your eyes sweetie.” Bailey looked at May, and then Meredith, then closed her eyes and shuffled over to Richard’s side. A handbag placed across her shoulder. Honestly a pretty-in-pink-pastel Kate Spade, slung across Bailey’s shoulder as Richard produced it from a large bag. A bunch of girls cosmetics inside the bag, nail polish in every major color, blush, lipstick, and shadow, everything a girl needs to feel beautiful and conceal all of her insecurities. Showering both kids in gifts, gifts Richard thought would be appropriate to win them over and thus show Meredith and May he was capable of being more than a provider but a good father to the kids. Bailey’s eyes peeked open at the weight added to her shoulder. She didn’t know what a “Kate Spade” handbag was, but she knew who Richard was and knew that it wasn’t one of those knock-offs that Alice paraded around as if it was original. She couldn’t begin to guess how much the bag was worth. For a second she felt a tingle in her chest. Someone was spoiling her … Taron, Leith, May and Meredith tried to make her feel special, kind words when they had the time, but they simply didn’t have the time. Now Richard’s money attempted to fill the void in her chest that bullies chipped away at. She didn’t know much about make-up because the family could ill-afford it and sometimes Meredith would use the lame excuse “You’re too young to wear that much make-up”, even though all the other girls caked it on. A small, cautious smile cracked across Bailey’s face. Maybe if she got good enough at her make up, the bullies couldn’t call her fat, ugly, Snailey … Maybe they’d actually like her. “And one more thing... Because you’re a pretty princess…” Richard added, a tiara, gingerly slid into place. Sterling silver and of beautiful craftsmanship,bedazzled with glittering jewels surely imitation for a girl her age but still glamorous nevertheless, but each point capped with an authentic ruby gemstone. “There, how do you feel princess? I’m sure any boy would want to have you for his happily ever after now.” Kissing Bailey on the hand before turning to May and presenting her with a small envelope before Meredith could protest that it was all too much. Bailey slid the tiara from her hair so she could examine it herself, before letting the dainty jewelled ornament slide back into place … Sure, she could argue that she was too old for kiddy-playtime tiara’s but … It didn’t feel like a cheap novelty toy, it was like the girls in the fashion magazines wore. She wished Leith were here. She wondered what kind of gift Richard would have gotten him. Leith didn’t appear to like things in general, give him a broken car to fix up and he was happy as a pig in shit. Broken things weren’t really Richard’s style though were they? He dealt in luxury high-end extravagant treats. “And for you May, there’s a Seven Hundred Dollar Gift Card to Neiman Marcus in there. I don’t know your numbers.” the man said with a cheeky wink, in front of a blushing Meredith who just stood there flabbergasted at loss for words. “I’m sure you can find something that looks good on just like that dress you’re wearing tonight, you’ll definitely have to show me next time.” May was slightly taken aback … it was a bit odd her sisters fella would spend such a ludicrous sum on her. Even men she’d dated didn’t drop that kind of cash, but it was spare change to Richard. The cheeky comment didn’t go amiss though, she’d remember that later, then again, you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to miss Richard’s arrogance. “Thank you Richard, this is very, very generous of you” May replied with a red-lipstick smile, careful not to be [i]too[/i] grateful, she was after-all, the sister of the “girlfriend” and not the girlfriend. “And for my Meri, my beautiful Meri, I know your numbers…” Richard embraced her, letting the joy of the showering of expensive gifts let him do whatever he wants to her in full view of her family as Richard nuzzled her flushed cheeks, “You look so nice in that dress, I’m almost sad I got you this one…” A black backless dress, one far less conservative than the old one Meredith wore in blue, “Good thing I got you some shoes, and something else too…” The shoes not presented like the dress which was swung around and then dropped back into the bag as Richard picked up something and made his way behind a completely overwhelmed Meredith. A touch of cold metal dropped around her neck, the modest cut of her hemline being threatened as Richard’s hands touched the bare skin. A golden necklace with teardrop pendant sporting three diamonds getting larger as they fell down towards her chest. An expensive piece certainly, as Richard placed it around her neck. It was a very beautiful collar with which caesar claimed his list. A kiss to the back of her neck sealed the brand after his fingers locked the necklace in place. “There, I hope you like it. Only the best for my girls, and boy. Now let’s eat I’m starving.” So many things wrong with those last words. First, Meredith hated that it was Richard who gave such a precious gift to her. Second was the ironic statement he made about starving, a fatcat like him starving as if he was blaming the wait on them. And third of course was the use of boy, not that Taron was a man yet, but what about Leith? Leith was Meredith’s boy, and by extension should also have been mentioned by Richard. But she had to let it go unless she wanted to spoil dinner for them all this evening. “I love it! Thank you Rick, you really do spoil us so, all of us.” Richard knew that look. “I’ve got something for Leith too, even if the boy didn’t show. It’s in the bag, just take it home with you before we leave. Now, how about a dinner combo for two? The menu’s really quite something isn’t it? A full five-course meal with everything you order pretty much. Soup, Sushi, The meats cooked right in front of you, a fresh Salad, and ice cream. How about you May? Anything you see you’d like? Feel free to order Appetizers too, anything you want kids, oh and what will we all have to drink? They give you tea, but I’m in the mood for something a little more fizzy, and adult, May? Meri?” “Bubbly sounds lovely Rick, maybe some sodas for the kids? Do they have sodas here? And I was thinking of either sharing something with May or the kids, I don’t know if the kids can eat it all, May? Taron you found something you like can you eat it all by yourself? Bailey honey? How about some fried dumplings gyoza I think? Or maybe the Teriyaki chicken and fried rice?” Concern asking for a consensus around the table, trying to just have an ordinary family dinner they could possibly never afford if it were not for Richard’s big fat thick…debit card. “Do they have pizza and chips?” Bailey asked, high-end cuisine didn’t quite cater to her young, fast-food-loving palette. Potato chips and whatever was on top of her pizza was pretty much the majority of the vegetables that Bailey ate.