[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AkGWenD.png[/img][/center] Spinning the bar stool in circles, an excited Abigail was soon filled with complete disappointment as she heard the crash of glass. Upon completing her spin, she realized it was Jonathan that was the next up. Her sad eyes flicked down to meet the small puddle surrounded by shards of glass. Her excitement began to die down and she rested her chin on her hands, imagining all the fun times she could have had if Jonathan gave her her drink before she left. [i]It was truly a tragedy.[/i] Abigail let out a light [color=Mediumvioletred]"Aww,"[/color] before redirecting her attention to the rather large display that played Jonathon’s perspective. If she couldn't drink, watching some awe-striking combat would definitely supply a bit of entertainment. Jonathan's duel did not captivate Abigail's interest for long, though. Her eyes flicked to Nick as he appeared in the Deadly Room. [color=Mediumvioletred]"Well that must have been a fun time. The important thing is that you tried,"[/color] she jested. With few words, Abigail graciously accepted her drink from Jervis. [color=Mediumvioletred]"Looking perfect as always, dear butler friend."[/color] Swirling and admiring her drink for a moment, Abigail began to casually sip at it as she was handed the dossier file. A giggly chuckle escape her lips as she eyed the entry for one 'Marina Corvin'. Abigail's finger gently traced down the paper as she took in all she could about the individual. [color=Mediumvioletred]"Well well... They don't seem to tough. I've got some ideas for this little lady."[/color] It seems Abigail's fixation with the one girl in particular had caused her to zone out from the current conversation going on about the dossier files. She had been completely oblivious to the comments of Raissa and William in favor of her own imaginative assassination methods. As Jonathan poofed back into the Deadly Room, he caught Abigail's attention for a short moment. As he laid down upon the counter, Abigail gave nothing more then a [color=Mediumvioletred]"Hmph,"[/color] in acknowledgement. She knew he wasn't able to do anything about getting switched in and not getting her drink, but she felt like being difficult either way. After a quick shake of her head to clear her thoughts, Abigail attempted to refocus on the matter at hand: the new mission. [color=Mediumvioletred]"And as always. Call me in when something needs destroyed!"[/color] Her upbeat tone, left her words rather hollow sounding despite their meaning.