Simultaneously each of the Hackers received an encrypted message, delivered to their respective devices. The sender’s ID simply read ‘T0x1c’, with the message itself was attached an encrypted file with a complex multi-layered cipher that would need to be cracked before it could be accessed. The text simply read: [color=228B22][sup]//Don’t be late, cipher is on the Moon Industries central mainframe ;)[/sup][/color] With the message there was a link to a secure client, each of their respective screen names where they could contact each other through text communication. [color=228B22] [sup]//PIX3L:_[/sup] [sup]//Smokey:_[/sup] [sup]//Sisyphe:_[/sup] [sup]//Argon:_[/sup] [sup]//3ldr1ch:_[/sup] [/color] Cracking the file itself would require the cipher program, which according to the message from T0x1c was stored in the mainframe of one of the biggest cyber security firms in London. To access the mainframe one would have to get physical access, the servers themselves located in their headquarters. There would undoubtedly be many security systems in the building, cameras and security doors, security personal and high level protection on all of their networks.