[quote=@Prince of Seraphs] Well we all know who the trouble maker is now, youse just tryin' to start a fight. Serious though Demise was cool, he was epic, he was well designed and quite possibly the most generic and cliche final boss in the history of ever, not to mention easy. Ghirahim Final Fight: Four forms, each averaging ten to fifteen minutes to beat (sometimes a little more, specially on the last one), requiring full health restoratives to finish without death Demise Final Fight: Two forms (if you can really call it that cause his second was the same thing plus lightning attacks from his sword), five minutes for each form tops, no health restoratives necessary. His design was interesting and his final fight had an intense atmosphere to it but there was very little to him past that. I would have been much happier if a power charged version of Ghirahim were the final boss, much like what Vaati did at the end of Minish Cap. [/quote] No sirrha, aint come looking for trouble. Just wanted some simple con-vo-sation 'round here. Can't disagree with most of that, but sometimes clichès are good if handled well. There is a reason they became cliche in the first place. Also, it is hard to avoid them, especially when you are talking about a great evil that wants to destroy the world (or conquer it). As for the boss fights, my opinion is the reverse, I found Girahim pretty easy (and loads of fun!) His attack patterns and attacks were predictable, and exploitable. His weakness as obvious as ever. However, to me, Demise was much harder once he broke out the lightning. ANY normal or misplaced attack and ZZAP! -2 hearts (-4 for hero mode) in my hero mode run, I got so frustrated, I broke out guardian potion and potion medal for 8 min of invincibility and wailed on him. That is all to say, it was epic, not because of the combat, but the story and setting. It was cliché, but I found that it delivered the cliché well. [quote=@Prince of Seraphs] Given he was on screen for five minutes and died right after that with a passably epic death speech I wouldn't be equating myself too closely with the guys who came up with him. [/quote] Pshh, technically he got a lot more then that, as you fight him at least 3 times before that, and he is alluded to almost the whole game.