[@The1Rolling1Boy] Katherin has been throwing it in our face, that's why I'm upset. [quote=@KatherinWinter] [@The1Rolling1Boy][@SoulEater][@chairs][@jorthon][@LiegeLord][@1Hawkeyes][@Mangrale][@Vampy] Well that was pointless..... [/quote] [quote=@KatherinWinter] [@The1Rolling1Boy][@SoulEater][@chairs][@jorthon][@LiegeLord][@1Hawkeyes][@Mangrale][@Vampy] Ready for something to happen. I'm tired of having nothing to post. [/quote] [quote=@KatherinWinter] [@1Hawkeyes]Everyone is already busy. I am not going to get in the way of whatever ships you choose to create. Kyle is too busy chasing Ivy to seel someone to interact with and Ivy is too distracted by everything else to want to talk. [/quote] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I could have been more patient and let everyone work it out but I got tired of being left out of my own roleplay. [Mangrale] is right I could have done alot of other things. [/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [@KatherinWinter] I tried to help you get Ivy and Kyle involved before but you find an excuse why it won't work. Like Ivy doesn't like talking, or Kyle is too busy with Ivy, or Neric isn't going to catch Ivy's attention, etc. For someone who doesn't like excuses you give a lot. If you want I can have Helena go up to Kyle and ask him if he needs help with Ivy, if you really need someone to interact with so we can get over this problem.