What I mean is as a general rule to try and negotiate respectively, lord knows I don't always succeed myself. Now I've allowed myself to get carried away and blow things out of proportion. I didn't mean disrespect and I am sorry. I wish I could say this wouldn't linger on my conscious for a long time. Alright, [i]now[/i] I've said my piece, for better or worse. Me continuing to say anything on any of the matters right now, is very pointless and libel to do harm; I see no need in it. I believe [@The1Rolling1Boy] has made his choice and I [b]will[/b] accept whatever comes for the sake of moving forward. [@KatherinWinter] You have my word that I will not bring up the issue again. I will not blame you nor complain on whatever happens. If you wish not to have anything to do with me, I will leave this RP.