Hello!! I have some interest in this RP, looked at some of the IC as well as nation sheets and I had an idea for a contribution. I'm sitting on an idea between a drug cartel/organized crime syndicate and a conglomerate of corporations that collectively own assets together under the context of non-aggression. I really enjoy the idea of creating a society that's like a large red light district and to be fair it'd be kind of like mashing three concepts ([url=http://war-among-the-stars.wikia.com/wiki/The_Drogue_Collective]The Drogue Collective[/url], [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/11TctXRpoyFCLhqo_R9QZQNq6IOhYwgv9jTBAZG9xyXc/edit?usp=sharing]The Conglomerate[/url] and [url=http://s1.zetaboards.com/Valhallan_Consortium/single/?p=414541&t=5466733]The Rodaycian Emirate[/url]) I've done in the past, then simplifying it to fit the setting (the other settings were much more out of this world, for lack of better words.) However I'm pretty flexible and would like to work with it to make it fit the aesthetic of the world at hand. Thoughts?