[center][h2][color=662d91]Ridley[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@Alisdragon911][@QwertyYerty][@Eviledd1984] [color=a187be]"WE WERE HAVING A NICE CONVERSATION!"[/color] The Krogan's attacks did very little damage but it was the act itself that got Ridley so riled up. He bit down on an arm before it could hit him, his teeth pierced through the armor as if it was made of tin foil sheets. Holding his grip as best he could he began ripping his claws into the armor on the Krogan's chest, trying to tear its lungs out. The lady from before then forced herself in between them and Ridley backed off glaring daggers at Kerg. [color=a187be]"HE is the insolent wretch that started this! NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY, I may not be able to kill staff members but this filth is going to be my next dinner!"[/color]