[color=ed1c24]"He wore curtains for pants and a sword almost taller than Mark's fucking bar. The worst part is that he knows how to swing that slab of shit around." -Apophis[/color] The second major character for the Red Nile story is under concept construction! I'm planning on sketching out all nine major characters (including Apophis and Sangue) of Heroes of Beacon: Red Nile before creating low-res wallpapers for them! It's a long project but thankfully I'm getting things done. [hider=Nergal Concept WIP][img]https://i.imgur.com/uW0w3dW.jpg[/img][/hider] Nergal resides in an unnamed island that is very far from most mainlands, being closest to the shores of Southern Vacuo. While most islands with inhabitants are usually consumed by Grimm, this particular island remains clean of the creatures- and for a very obvious reason. He guards something within the island, and never has he let anyone get past the ruins that lead to a massive underground chamber without a destructive fight. Wielding a double-edged blade expertly crafted with fragile obsidian and Aura infusion reclaimed from generations of abandonment, Nergal is a powerhouse who tanks attacks and tears apart landscapes once in combat. The weapon he holds is massive, with a daunting height that is slightly higher than a two-story house and a weight that rivals a mother ship in Atlas' seas. Considering that Nergal himself is 6.7" tall (around 205 meters), this only makes the weapon look even bigger than it already is. He is one of the secondary antagonists of Red Nile despite having no actual alignment, and is the only character to noticeably wound Apophis in the entire story.