[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7c30410a707680df038506664046102b/tumblr_inline_nm8v38p5e81rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: the Kitchen ----> Med Bay ----> Cell[/center][hr][hr][i]Wong dahn[/i], Dorothy thought to herself, hearing the brief bits of conversation. Although she wasn't sure where the information came from, the end result was fairly clear. The Alliance was coming for them. It would mean the death of her friends, and she and Camilla would face trial for desertion from the Alliance military. Neither event would be pretty. Biting her lip, Dorothy glanced around quickly, looking for Daphne's familiar face. [color=4dffa6]"Yes ma'am,"[/color] Dorothy said quickly, taking in the orders. She didn't grab any food or water for the boy, instead heading back down the ladder, away from the chaos of the kitchen. With the ship unable to move, and the Alliance on their tails, every second counted. Seemed it was the little piece of shit's lucky day--he'd be pumped full of drugs and deposited in some random spot on this planet. [i]How Shi Sung Chung[/i], she thought bitterly, making it inside the medical bay. She grabbed a mild sedative, enough to do the trick, but saved the stronger ones for future emergencies. She never did quite know when she'd be asked to sedate a crew member--the possibility was always there. Assuming that Atticus had been following her the entire time, Dorothy walked towards the cell, listening to see if the boy was hollering and fussing still. [color=4dffa6]"I'll need you to restrain the boy while I sedate him,"[/color] Dorothy explained. [color=4dffa6]"Ready when you are, preacher."[/color]