[@Dulcet] >love >tragedy WELL THEN. Ahaha, I know who's coming, because if she likes it that much then dear gods, your star will /adore/ Alys. She's the messed-up one that has recovered some but still carries deep, /deep/ scars. ...Oooh, I should see if I can't drag Sly over to this! I mean, she's not on this site, but she plays the guy that Alys eventually marries. ...After trying to push him away, taking gentle advantage of him (possibly more than gentle, but to be fair he kept offering), putting him through the emotional wringer, eventually crushing his heart so thoroughly that he fled London so as not to encounter her by chance, and then TEN YEARS LATER he has returned and runs into her again and the whole tragic spiral starts over. Though we do give it an eventually happy ending? ^.^;; This doesn't even touch on why she's so messed up to start with, of course, nor the half-point in her story where she completes her objective and then expects to be killed or imprisoned for life. And turns herself in so she can be. *giggles like a mad fool* SO YEAH. It's a shame, because I really wanted to play Cecilly (technically blind dancer) or rhylaen (stranded youth) but neither one fits the sort of thing that our lovely host adores so much as Alys. ^.^;; As a side note, you might like Fallen London, which is where Alys originates. <3 "In matters of the Bazaar, always look to love." The only issue here is that before the halfpoint Alys is incredibly hard to get close to. But I suppose right about when she's resolved that she is going to remove herself from Maxwell's life because he has a not-quite-wife that absolutely adores him would be sufficiently tragic, and that's much farther on. ^.^ Might change my mind. It's nearly six am and I've been up most of the night and I'm sick. But yeah, this is the instinctive reaction.