[@Raddum] Cheers. Good to know you're enjoying how everyone's getting portrayed. I'm not surprised that Mateus is getting the best performance in your eyes. I've actually being basing elements of his portrayal off of a few of my 'Guardian Ascension' characters -- one of them in particular. I won't give you his name, because the bastard side of him isn't revealed right off the bat and you might find it a nice spoiler to discover one day, but once it's revealed he's evil he has a representation very similar to this. Basically, the character is very charismatic and viewed as a great hero and saint by an entire continent, but he's actually an opportunistic bastard who's manipulating everyone. The whole thing I'm doing with Mateus where you get to see the duality of his personality by seeing the mask and then getting to read the thoughts inside the mask is exactly how I write that villain, and a lot of people enjoy my work with him.