[@Caits] Caius cracked open an eye and peered at Callie. [color=turquoise]"This early just to pick herbs?"[/color] He returned her kiss and when she pulled away, a playful grin was on his lips. He leaned forward and began trailing kisses on her jaw and then down her neck, positioning his body so that he was pressed against her and partially on top of her. [color=turquoise]"I can think of one reason why I'd be up this early,"[/color] he murmured against her neck. Just as quickly he started enticing her with kisses, he stopped. [color=turquoise]"Of course, I'd understand if you'd prefer picking herbs,"[/color] he said with a teasing smile, confident that his charms was working on her. He looked at her hungrily for a few seconds before he leaned in and began kissing her neck again. [color=turquoise]"Just... tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it..."[/color]