Sven sat in his office at the Rutherford Organization's headquarters, puffing away at a pipe. He was reviewing various papers and files, which documented the Organization's next upcoming mission. Sven studied the original letter, sent to him by Field Marshall Lai of the Chinese government-in-exile. The letter informed him that they were being asked to retrieve three parts to a mystical artifact needed for an expedition into the tomb of the first Chinese Emperor, so that they can search for a powerful artifact that could turn the tide of the war in Asia, known as the Heart of the Black Dragon. The artifact necessary for entry was known as the Mirror of Souls, and the first piece was stated to be found in a complex of ruins in the jungle of British Ceylon. The letter had also stated that a private company had begun expeditions in the region, so to keep a look out for them. Gathering the map of Ceylon, and several copies of the briefing document for each of the agents he'd be sending on the mission. The central meeting room was designed similar to a school lecture room, an assortment of desks all facing a rolling chalkboard on an elevated platform. Sven rolled out the map of Ceylon onto the chalkboard, using special clips to keep it onto the board. When the others arrived, Sven handed each of them one of the briefing documents. As they sat at the desks, Sven stood next to the chalkboard, and began to speak. Sven's German accent, almost stereotypical in his thickness, permeated the briefing. "Ze Chinese government-in-exile has commissioned us for some expeditions. First, zhey've asked us to aid zhem in finding three pieces for zhe Mirror of Souls, an artifact created under zhe first Chinese Emperor, used to help guard his tomb. Zhe first piece is said to be found in a ruin in the jungles of British Ceylon, off zhe southern coast of India. Reports indicate a private expedition is also operating on zhe island, und includes armed escorts, so zhis will be an armed mission to ensure agent safety. Zhe temple believed to house zhe piece can be found here." He gestured to a point on the eastern coast of the island. "Ve'll be dropping you off via seaplane slightly south of zhat. A local guide vill be provided. If zhere are any questions, ask zhem now. Otherwise, you've got half an hour to get prepared, before ve head for zhe airport." [@Avanhelsing][@Leotamer][@Tsar Gatto][@FantasyChic][@SkullsandSlippers] [hider=OOC] Alright everyone, here's the opening post, feel free to post at any time now that this is up. Tsar, expect a PM regarding villains. [/hider]