[@LuckyBlackCat][@Lugubrious] As the girl spit out poisonous bubbles, Tommy realized that he had no way of helping her short of racing her to the clinic in town. And given how far in they were, he wasn't sure they'd have made it in time. Fortunately, Cici thought fast and brought out her Swablu, who knew a move that could remove the poison from the girl. Pulling Bulbasaur's ball free of his belt, he spins it before bringing out the Grass-Poison type, a name in mind for him. The now healed Pokemon looked around the forest before turning to his new trainer, a quizzical look on his face. Tommy smiled. "I know we just got you out of here, but my friend here got caught up by the Fairy types. Can you keep an eye out for them, Epsilon?" Bulbasaur thought for a moment, though it was clearly more considering the name, before giving a nod and turning to look out into the woods. a number of the leaves around it's seed were still shredded and torn, and the top of it's head bore a number of scars from it's time on the run from the Spearow, but it was good and healthy now despite it. "Alright, so we're looking at a girl who was, for whatever reason, poisoned. And you are having difficulty leaving the forest. This is going to be interesting." He turned to the girl who had arrived with the Bisharp and Tentacruel, both of whom seemed unconcerned with her condition. After waiting to make sure the Heal Bell had done it's work, he spoke "I'll take it you know more than Cici does. What happened? And why in the hell were you poisoned?"