"It's... not my first dodgy ride through a portal." Vashi answered after a short pause, before suddenly hearing Kathlin's voice. "Oh, sorry!" Without delay, the Night Elven mage sprung up to her feet and got off the battered and bruised Draenei! It was not until she had turned around and looked down at Mei that she finally realized just how beat up the Draenei berserker actually was! Whilst the portal journey had only felt mildly uncomfortable for Vashi, it now became obvious why, as the Draenei had clearly taken most of the brunt herself. [i]"Typical of Mages to surround their portals with hard stone walls."[/i] Vashi thought to herself, a bit annoyed and concerned at the same time, as she looked about the room. The room... It wasn't until now that she fully realized what sort of place they were in, and it was... odd! It was hard for her to even describe what she was seeing as her silvery eyes darted across the dimly lit basement storage/cellar/summoning room. Certain parts of the room looked like it was part of some Gnomish & Dwarven heavy industrial workshop, with cogs, rods and strange contraptions scattered all over the place! A heavy industrial workshop that had somehow crashed with an alchemical laboratory to create a chemical catastrophy. And that in addition to the chaos, someone had used the aftermath of the collision as a makeshift library, with scrolls and books strewn haphazardly about the place between bizarre machinery and smoking alchemical stills! "I don't think this place is safe... " Vashi muttered to herself as she observed their surroundings, but mostly the plethora of innumerable safety regulation transgressions. Clearly this abominable workshop was the place all sorts of work environment and health concerns went to die! "This won’t take a moment….just, don’t move for now" Vashi eventually noticed the little human girl named Kathlin as she crouched down to start working on Mei's wounded shoulder and body. Almost immediately, Vashi could sense Mei's warrior pride & badass side flare to life! However, before Mei had the chance to get up and try to fix her own shoulder, Vashi had already intervened! "Yes, it probably is best if we leave it to the medical professionals." Vashi was quick to comment as she knelt down next to Kathlin and carefully placed a reassuring hand on Mei's other shoulder, whilst giving the Draenei a smile. "Let the girl do her work. I'm sure she knows what she is doing."