[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Town[/u]-[/center] [hr] Taking her Pokémon back from the nurse, Juana opened her Poké Balls, sizing up her now sizable crowd of Pokémon. Juana shrugged. "Corphish got stung by Skorupi's poison pinchers, but he's fine now," she replied. Corphish and Skorupi were having some kind of staring contest. Corphish made a weird "bleh" face, causing Skorupi to blink. "Anyways, Skorupi looks like a real feisty one," Juana continued. "Now I'm wondering if that's good for Corphish, since I know how competitive he gets; I'm sure it'll work out, though." Bounsweet bounded over to Skorupi and Corphish. Corphish puffed up its chest, while Skorupi gave Bounsweet a calm expression, as if admitting that Corphish was better at controlling itself (at least in terms of the eye thing). Juana looked up at Tora. "Hey, you wanna have a real quick low-stakes Pokémon battle? It'll give our Pokémon something to do." Juana shrugged her right shoulder. "I mean, you don't have to if you'd rather not, I know you were just waiting for your Skiddo and all." [hider=Notes] -TP: HHG +1, post +1, total: 18 -CP: +1, total: 15 -Battle proposal to [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora[/hider]