Yeah, it's pretty obvious that the whole 'I did this on drugs' wasn't serious, since - as [@ClocktowerEchos] said - they wouldn't be able to write it if they were having a meltdown. I don't touch drugs myself, but I know what they can do to people. They were just letting their creativity run wild without a censor -- I've done that myself before, usually when I'm sleep deprived. I think my last post might've been taken as being serious, when in reality this was amusing as hell. To be honest, it entertained me enough that I almost signed up for this thing -- despite the whole theme not being something I'd normally role-play with or have a character in mind that'd be suitable for. My workload is what ultimately made me have to decline for now. If I was gonna jump into a comedy-orientated role-play though, it'd probably be this one. Still, good show dude. I won't be forgetting this.