[color=1a7b30][h1][center]Samuel Alderach[/center][/h1][/color] The wind was like a cocoon - it enveloped him, cushioned him, bore him aloft. When he was young he had been afraid of great heights, but they held no terror for him now; he had more pressing concerns, anyway. It had been some time since he had been to Azure Gate, he reflected as the woods zipped by under him. For almost a year he had lived amongst his knights, training them and leading them on raid after raid on the Queen's enemies. If she asked it of him, he would stay by her side always as her companion and protector, but he knew that he served her best out there. Whatever was going on, it must be truly serious to call him back. The Woodsmen's camp was nearly a week away from the city on foot - windborne, however, Samuel was able to arrive in a matter of hours. Moving silently out of old habit, he entered without the notice of a soul, save for the maid who'd nearly passed out when he'd tapped on a window and asked to be let in. He really had been gone too long. [i]Note to self - talk to the Queen about the state of the guard.[/i] He knew Her Majesty was tired of hearing his complaints about the inadequacy of her security, but he was always eager for a reason to take it back up with her, and single-handedly infiltrating the castle seemed like a good one. He could already hear her tired response: [i]Samuel, it hardly counts when you can [b]fly.[/b][/i] Mud tracked behind him as slipped into the throne room, barely registering the presence of Adelina and Kolburn as he caught sight of her. Queen Celosia was not beautiful; [i]women[/i] were beautiful. The queen was a thing apart, divine, indefatigable, noble. Samuel sank to his knee, head bowed. "My Queen," he said without looking up, "You called, and your woodsman has come. As always."