[center][h2]Kingdom of Zyphis[/h2] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/20d1/f/2016/145/d/b/alternate_us_flags__montana_by_rubberduck3y6-da3rd6l.png[/img][/center] Ruler's Name: Queen Felicia Stefanija [hider=Territory][IMG]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/Enryth.png[/IMG][/hider] Capital & Major Settlements = (The names and quick summaries of the capital and other major settlements in your nation) Population = 1.1 Million Religion = (Either one of the three Aporuean religions. Or an independent religion, which will require a description) History = (The history of your nation, covering each of the eras of Aporuean history ((Excluding the Leaving of God Era)) Cultural traits = (A description of the cultural traits and lifestyle of your people that separate your nation from others) Military = (A brief description of the military overall. Along with sub-descriptions of the following categories: Melee Infantry, Ranged Infantry, Cavalry, Warships) Characters = (Stick any extra characters other than your ruler here)