[center][h3][color=39b54a]Juana[/color] vs. [color=aqua]Tora[/color] - A Friendly, Low-stakes Bout Over Lunch[/h3][/center] [hr] Long story short: Corphish fainted. "Oop. Well," Juana remarked, as Corphish staggered around, its eyes swirly. "You still did a great job out there, Corphish! Let's get you back in the ball." Corphish stumbled over and fell; Juana recalled it to its Poké Ball and gave a friendly glance to Bounsweet. "Alright, amiga, let's do this!" she said. Bounsweet hopped into the fray. "Hit 'im with a Magical Leaf attack, Bounsweet!" Juana said. Bounsweet's calyx twisted with a clicking sound as it sent a torrent of leaves flying at the opposing Skiddo. (4EP) The leaves homed in on Skiddo with uncanny accuracy. [hider=Status] Corphish: FNT Bounsweet: -HP: 8 -EP: 8[/hider] [hider=Notes] -TP: HHG +1, post +1, total: 31 -CP: +1, total: 19 -Battle with [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora[/hider]