[h3][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JHJnMcE.png[/img][/center][/h3] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/51/f5/c4/51f5c4b9085a0b2c25d4fa087c680d87.jpg[/img][/center] Eliza was over in the training room when she was alerted that the Queen requested the pressence of her and the other Knight Commanders. Having the one of the Queens personal messengers locate her to give her the message meant something was going down. Unsure what it was Eliza put Silverhand back in it's sheath then proceeded to leave the room. Yes she was in her armour, something she would do while training was put it on to simulate battle while wearing it. Having the messenger travel down a floor and onto the otherside of the castle, as Eliza's training room is over there. She had a feeling some of the other commanders would be there by now. Unsure which ones would be she let her mind ponder on that thought. Maybe Samuel would be there for once, Eliza had a feeling he didn't like her very much. Something about him gave that feeling off to her. After thinking on that for sometime she found herself at the Queens chambers. She looked herself up and down quickly and made sure her hair looked decent. Taking note she was in full armor would be interesting, it was never her style to wear a helmet. It made much to hard to be worth the effort. Losing part of your vision and messing up your hair wasn't worth it. Never the less, she took a breath and walked on inside of her Majesties chambers. Upon enterence and hearing the metalic clank of her boots as she walked along, she took note of the others in the room already. She smiled slightly upon the scent of Willow. Eliza didn't keep her eyes looking about for long as she was summoned here for a reason, unsure what it was at the moment she would soon find out. Eliza sank below onto her knee and bowed her head, her words escaping her lips upon finishing her movements. [color=C0C0C0]"Your Majesty, I report as summoned."[/color]