[quote=@SilverFallen] [@pugbutter] Not going to lie, I'm kind of really tempted to do that now. And I mean, even if they had been living there for a year already, wouldn't they be suffering some sort of radiation poisoning? [/quote] Some materials absorb more radiation than others. Characters would be carrying gas masks mainly for the dust-storms kicked up by the wind in higher areas, but on the fringes of the Circle, especially where hills and mountains block the winds, it's not so bad. Whether you actually get fried or not will depend on carrying a Geiger counter and staying away from concrete, soil, scrap metal, and other areas and materials which were directly exposed. How bad the radiation is really depends on the character's skill level in avoiding it. Being a hideous mutant underneath the gas mask would definitely give you bonus points for anti-Mary Suedom, if you decided to do that! [@Xandrya] This is a Mention to let you know that you've been accepted, since I forgot to put one in the other post.