[center][color=aqua][h2]Tora Azure[/h2] - Feyhollow Town || Pokemon Center - [/color][/center] [hr] Blinking a little as Juana seemed quite.. How does one say..? 'Hyped up' was it? The younger girl beaming like a Solrock that was lit on fire. Juana seemed impressed, though Tora wasn't really sure it was true she gave much challenge. Archie did hold herself pretty well against Corphish though, pretty good considering since Corphish was both stubborn and had the type advantage. [color=aqua]"You did quite well yourself, I'm impressed. Almost made me forget you just started your journey as well."[/color] The taller woman said with her usual friendly smile. Though she blinked curiously as Juana raised her hand, open palmed. At first Tora thought she was about to be slapped by how quick it was, but then the hand stopped while upright. To be perfectly honest, the rich little girl didn't know what a 'high-five' was. Was this a regular gesture among the more regular citizens? By Juana's expression and cheerful attitude, it was friendly and it was apparent Tora was supposed to do something to complete this act of... Comradery. So the best Tora could come up with was to just copy Juana, smiling and raising her hand, lightly tapping her open palm against Juana's. Praying to Arceus she was doing this correctly. [color=aqua]"Good game, Lady Juana!"[/color] Tora cheered in return. Archie wiggled out of her Pokeball, the exhausted Growlithe panting and mildly pouting at having being beaten. She'd have to train harder... And devour all the rare candies. Glancing at Corphish who seemed to unexpectedly come over to be a good sport, Archie looked at the crawdad for a moment before giving a cheerful yip, giving her fishy friend a cheerful lick across the cheek. Tora chuckled, scooping up the Growlithe into her arms before heading back into town and towards the Pokemon Center. Tora glanced at Juana curiously, seeming a little confused.... Was 100,000 Poke a lot? [color=aqua]"As the winner, you should pick what ever your heart desires. Do not worry about the price. Though I do not know what kind of food there is around this place."[/color] Tora said as they entered the Pokemon Center. Once again depositing her Pokemon in order to be healed. Perhaps Feyhollow had quite a bit of things with honey? [hr] [hider=Notes] +1 post +1HHG = 24 +1CP = 19 Pokemon: [list][*]Archie the ♀Growlithe: Level 6/Healthy [*]Sirius the Staryu: Level 3/Healthy [*]Pezi the ♂Skiddo: Level 2/Healthy[/list] Inventory: 3x Pokeball 1x Potion -Continued interaction with [@ToadRopes]'s character Juana.[/hider]