[@Ellri][@Fallenreaper][@Sundered Echo] [hider=] Ok, I just realized that I never actually [i]sent[/i] the PM to you guys about Shiri, which I shall do now, but I'm sorry about some things not adding up because of that. [hr] I am aware that Psychometry and Force Stealth are higher-level skills and I did seek approval for them in the discussion on discord, only Echo really said anything about them to me though. [hider=granted this was before that handy-dandy force powers list really existed so....] This is just the parts of the conversation directly pertaining to Psychometry and Force Stealth [quote] [color=f26522][b]Ves[/b][/color][color=gray] - 08/17/2016[/color] Psychometry - I'm really not sure if this is too much or not. My plan is that Shiri's wanting to become a Jedi Shadow, and so would try to gain skills to help her down that path, and this seems like a useful skill to have in that respect. I'm also thinking that she could have a slight natural ability with it. It might be useful in helping the prisoners to escape and to finding the Sith's weaknesses if she gets the chance. this is a pretty cool/difficult power so she wouldn't be terribly good at it, and If she does find something out with this I'm leaving it up to the GMs to tell exactly what she learned. To quote the Wiki: "The power could taint the user if the object had been used to execute dark side related actions, like murder." So, if a Sith found out she had this ability, it could help them force her to the dark side. ... Force Stealth - There seems to be multiple versions of this one so, I'm referring to the ability to cloak your force sensitivity and light/dark affiliation from others. This is another kind of "shadow" skill for her. Being able to hide your presence in the force seems like it would be useful in lots of different situations for anyone, shadows especially considering the kinds of missions they go on. It could also help her escape if she can disguise how she looks physically (maybe steal a trooper's armor set) then she could diminish her presence and just walk right out! :smile: (Well, theoretically. Someone could still sense her if they were looking hard enough) She's not gonna be a master at this, but pretty good at least. She would practice it a lot before the sacking. aaand that's it. [color=gray]...[/color] [color=662d91][b]Sundered Echo[/b][/color] [color=gray]- 08/17/2016[/color] Psychometry... is arguably more of an investigator thing than a shadow thing, but I do like seeing people explore it. I'm happy for her to have it at a low (possibly natural) level, bearing in mind that when she uses it results will be GM determined. ... Force Stealth... It does make sense for her to be learning this one. It is basically THE Shadow skill after all. Because it is such a complex and powerful skill though, and she has spread herself so thin already, I'd go with again it'd have to be low level. She may not be able to maintain it for long, and after a while it may fail randomly. [/quote][/hider] [quote] In the case of [b]Psychometry[/b], it is not a particularly common power, but its presence is not something that goes unnoticed. How much it affects a user depends on both how much innate talent is present and on level of training. But even more than those two factors, it is affected by the objects touched. The Jedi Councils especially disapprove of those with a talent for this touching weapons of war, corpses and objects of the Dark Side, as using it upon such, even unwittingly, means running a very high risk of touching upon the Dark Side of the Force. Someone who expresses a talent for this will be put through extra training simply to have control over when to use it. An untrained raw talent for psychometry can be even more crippling than the loss of a limb or even a complete sense. Jedi with this skill would quite possibly be kept away from the front lines simply to avoid putting them into danger until they have learnt control. It is also a potential point against becoming a Shadow, as while it is useful in investigation, it is dangerous when handling dark side artifacts. As for [b]Force Stealth[/b], that power is considered a fairly rare power. It is not considered a necessary power for Jedi, and so not taught as part of any standard curriculum. Its also rare for a Padawans master to have it, much less teach it. In order to have this, she will have had to seek out tutelage at a Jedi temple from either a resident master or a holocron (both of these generally require some kind of proving that you are ready to learn). Such a thing is unique enough to elaborate on in the Bio. It is not necessarily a required skill to become a Shadow, however knowing it will certainly be a significant point in her favor on her quest to acquire this title.[/quote] After I've sent the PM to you guys and I get your opinions on that stuff, I may just drop psychometry altogether depending on the potential impact it would have on my plans for her secrets and future. As for Force Stealth, that's one I really would like to keep, and am willing to write into her bio that she studied it from a holocron or from one of the masters at a temple, and will specify whatever she had to go through to prove she was ready to learn if you all feel it's necessary. [quote] We would appreciate it if you could move the descriptions of Force powers up to the relevant section, as there is no point in having them listed twice. The section down in the OoC section is for her general potential, not specifics like force power training.[/quote] I don't understand what you mean here. would you prefer I move everything that's currently in the OOC section to the IC? What exactly goes in the OOC then? [quote] In situations that will come up in Aftermath, No Jedi will truly be without the Force. The Force is a part of all Jedi (and Sith). It's as much as part of them as their limbs, their eyes or their lungs, but where the latter two can be cut away, the Force is not focused within any single part of their bodies. The Force is everywhere.[/quote] why is this here? what do you mean? I don't understand what I wrote that would prompt this little bit of (what seems to be) musing. [quote] Remember that a true flaw does not include a description of how it doesn’t really affect the character after all. A flaw isn’t fully countered.[/quote] Which flaws do you feel are countered? [quote] What are her long-term hopes and wishes doing here (ideas for future specialization)?[/quote] Well, from my own experiences in life, a goal is also a motivation isn't it? Her wish to one day be a Jedi Shadow is a driving force in a lot of her behavioral/social decisions, and she's made changes to her personality and the way she thinks to accommodate that wish. [quote] This section does not add up. On one hand, you want her to escape. On the other, you clearly state that she won’t do so if any prisoners remain in the prison. The odds of them all being able to escape are near-zero. That setup would not fit with the purpose of Aftermath (to explore the nuances of the light and dark sides, as well as the differences between the Republic and the Empire).[/quote] I do want her to possibly escape, however in my own plans she most likely won't. If a prisoner turns, she's not going to stay behind just for them, though if every other prisoner is able to leave, before she leaves she will attempt to drag those who turned back to the light. That bit about not leaving unless everyone can could be showing my optimism and hope for the prisoners in this :sun , or you could see it as 'yeah she's not leaving this place, EVER'. I do have plans where escape for her is possible, but they involve her breaking this "no-one gets left behind" mentality of hers. I'll change the cs so this is more apparent. [hr] The bio will be discussed in the PM, but I will completely rewrite it due to the fact that I [i]suppose[/i] secrets are bad and she should sound a little more open when talking about her past to people. I thought I made it clear enough that she does have amnesia though? anyway, that's PM stuff. [quote] UTTERLY UNBIASED SUGGESTION: GO WITH OPTION #1 AND GIVE XID TO LEA![/quote] NEVER! :rollin [/hider]