[@Cuccoruler][@Dannyrulx][@KoL][@Rekaigan][@LowKey123][@NarcissisticPotato][@rush99999][@Shoryu Magami][@Nevix] Okay so after faffing around for way too long (and sleeping since being sick and all), here be a CS skeleton yo. I'll try to put up my own tomorrow or something [hider=My Hider] [code][center][img][/img] [h1]Name of Your Choice[/h1][h2][sup][sup]Chuunibyou or Ex/Non Chuunibyou?[/sup][/sup][/h2][/center] [.hr][.hr] [h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Full Birth Name | Chuunibyou Name | Age | Class | Birthday[/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History/Legacy [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Simple bio of your character, don't need nothing too fancy. For their Chuunibyou persona however, feel free to make it dramatic and shit, jut keep it in a hider or have a space between the two sides.[/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality/Persona [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Samething as above although if you're Chuuni, there should be heavy emphasis on your persona. If you're ex or non Chuuni, there should be more of an emphasis on your normal personality and what you do to cover up your past if applicable.[/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Items/Relics [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Any items that you carry around on you/are associated with? It doesn't have to be thing you think of as a weapon or something; if your character is known to be a sleepyhead, maybe they have a pillow or most people think they carry a pillow around in their bag or something. For Chuuni items ("relics"), don't forget to give them names and what you think their abilites are, just for flavor.[/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Misc [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Stuff you can't seem to put anywhere else like music or additional art or other in-character stuff[/indent][/indent][/code] [/hider]