[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9JmbsIIQAA5pr8.jpg[/img] [i][color=00aeef]"Life is just...fucked up!"[/color][/i] [h3][color=00aeef]Elizabeth "Liz" Kaines[/color][/h3][/center] [color=00aeef][b]Age(15-19):[/b] 16 [b]Grade(9-12):[/b] Sophomore [b]Ht:[/b] 5'5" [b]Wt:[/b] 129 lbs [b]General Apperance:[/b] Liz is a fairly skinny girl with around a b-cup in chest size. Her hair, naturally blonde, she dyes blue and keeps it cut chin length with a few bangs hanging messily in her face while the rest is stuffed behind her floppy beanie. She often wears black skinny jeans with frays and holes in them, black, loose fitting band shirts or tanktops, and a red, long sleeved flannel tied around her waist. On her wrists are usually black leather bands with studs and spikes, and around her neck a silver cross necklace despite Liz's claim to be agnostic. It was a gift from her mom. Also, she is almost always never seen without her skateboard, headphones, and usually a cigarette or a joint hanging from her lip. [/color] [u][i]Intrests/hobbies:[/i][/u] ◇ Skateboarding ◇ Smoking weed ◇ Cute girls ◇ Loud rock & metal music or indie music ◇ Photography ◇ Being lazy ◇ Horror movies ◇ Videogames ◇ Playing guitar ◇Coffee...[i]lots[/i] of coffee [u][i]Relationship Status:[/i][/u] Single pringle [u][i]Sexual Orientation:[/i][/u] Lesbian [color=00aeef][b]Background:[/b] Moving from the Midwest, Liz failed to fit in and make friends, usually choosing to exclude herself from certain people, but when she did consider having a friend, she was cruelly rejected and ostracized by the other students, leading her to recede more and more into herself. Liz was born to her mother and father in Des Moines, Iowa on October 13th. Her mother worked as a receptionist for a hospital while her father was a sheriff's deputy. However Elizabeth wasn't her father's child but the child of her mother and another man she had an affair with behind his back. Once her father, a cruel and abusive drunk, discovered the truth, he tried to kill his wife and child. Liz's mother escaped with her from Iowa, and together, the two tried to start a new life. It was rather easy for her mother, but for Liz.....it was Hell. Elizabeth was constantly bullied by the children in her class, the ridicule and ostracism proceeding till she was twelve, when her mother fell gravely ill with cancer. It wasn't months later, her mother passed away. For the next few years, she was sent from foster home to foster home, barely able to adapt to any and running away from a few due to....things she doesn't want to talk about. Currently, she's living with Danica Welshire, a thirty-five year old photographer who takes photos for major music magazines such as Rolling Stone. Danica adopted Liz as a way to cope after her wife and four year old daughter were killed in a car accident nearly a year ago. Liz learned alot about photography from her and sees Danica as more of a close friend than a mother figure, despite the woman trying her hardest to act as a parent to her. When she leaves school, Liz is hoping that she too can become a professional photographer. Till then, she just has to grin and bear it for the rest of the years she has left. [u][i][b]Family Information[/b][/i][/u] [b]Parents:[/b] Michael Shae Kaines - Biological Father - Unknown - Was last in jail for attempted murder Juniper Melanie Kaines - Biological Mother - Deceased - Died of breast cancer in 2011 Danica Quinton Welshire - Adoptive Mother - Alive - Currently taking photos for Alternative Press in Europe [b]Siblings:[/b] None [b]House/wealth status:[/b] Liz and Danica live in a two bedroom apartment at the Rosewood Heights Apartment Complex. It's a nice place, and Danica makes quite alot with her photography job to pay the rent and buy nice furniture and decorations to spruce the place up. Her favorite she bought recently was a large framed oil painting of Kurt Cobain that hangs over the couch in the living room. It was painted by an ex-girlfriend Danica is on good terms with.[/color] [hider=Liz's Diary. No peeking or I'll kick your ass! <.<] [color=00aeef][i]September 15th, 2016. Hello Rosewood, big town size, small town values, not that I buy their crap for the second. I can't believe just a few short weeks ago Dani and I were packing to leave San Fran, and now we're here in this podunk little place. I'm so bummed I don't get to see the ocean anymore. It really made for some killer shots. I posted them to my tumblr a few days ago when I had time, but no reblogs yet. Sad face... Danica got me a new camera too, kind of an early birthday present since she's gonna be in Europe taking tour photos for a festival there. Wish I could go, but with school, well...you know the drama. Oh speaking of school, I happened to meet a few of the new students there. Guess it's time to rank them from "I totally wanna be your bestie" to "I totally wanna smash your face in with a brick.""[/i][/color] [b][u]Cassidy Martin[/u][/b] [color=00aeef][i]Cass is [b]SO[/b] my dream girl! <3 I was totally crushing on her the moment we met! Well...the moment my stupid board got caught on the sidewalk and I faceplanted right in front of her (smooth move Tony Hawk). She was sweet though, and that blonde hair and blue eyes...man I'm getting worked up just thinking about her! ^///^[/i][/color] [b][u]Mckenna Byers[/u][/b] [color=00aeef][i]Don't get me wrong, Macky's a cute girl, but... She's...well....kinda uppity-uppity. Really puts off that vibe that's like "I am so better than you." Wouldn't say she's a total bitch, but I'm not too keen on her. She's a straight A student, got a rich daddy, and she's so smart and goody goody, and popular and blah blah blah! Not that I should give a fuck, but she just... I feel so put down next to her.[/i][/color] ((More to come)) [/hider]