[u]The Warring Factions[/u] [b]The White Rock Confederacy.[/b] A group of smaller states that stick firm to their traditions and pride in their local governments. Most of the states are comprised of a few large cities with smaller towns and villages populating the rest of the land. The White Rock Confederacy takes great pride in its diversity of members and takes great pains to keep nature in even their most heavily populated cities. Nature has always had a very important part in the people's lives and many are taught about plants and animals. Herding is one of the most common jobs in the Confederacy and farms are abundant. The confederacy prides itself on its strong animals, especially horses, oxen, and dogs. Due to its strong animal husbandry programs beasts of burden are abundant making transportation quite easy and fast for many. The White Rock Confederacy is located West of the Dragon Fang Mountains and enjoys fairly mild temperatures most of the year. The further West one goes the more wooded the Confederacy gets. There are rumors that elves still live deep in the forest near the Confederacy but aside from the occasional sighting there is little proof of those claims. As a Confederacy, the states do not have standing militaries. There are of course plenty of mercenaries and it is standard practice for citizens to have some military training. Whenever there is a need the call goes out to the states to assemble all those on reserve and who are willing to fight, as a result their military can seem a bit ragged but they can often think outside the box. [b]The Onxy Empire[/b] A powerful empire to the East of the Dragon Fang Moutains, the Onxy Empire is strong and disciplined. The empire is ruled by Titus Obsidian who rules over the empire and several vassal states to the East. While the rule is strong, Obsidian often gives the lords under him some leeway in their rule, though he has the final say in all matters. The Onxy Empire is known for its fantastic engineers and strong architecture. Onxyites are masters of stone and ironwork, often creating great artificial cities with working sewer systems, aqueducts, and even public baths. The Onxy empire is home to some of the largest mansions and castles ever constructed and can be a sight to behold. The climate east of the mountains can be quite harsh, with extreme temperatures in both winter and summer, but the people of the empire are resourceful and adaptive. Mountain ranges are fairly common which means the empire has a lot of mining operations and towns. Mining can be dangerous work but the riches that flow into the empire are many. In a mountain range to the South was found the ruins of what may have been a dwarven civilization. From ancient notes engineers in the empire are ecstatically working with a new compound, 'gunpowder,' and have starting producing prototype weapons to use with the substance. The work has had mixed results but progress is being made. The empire has quite a large standing military. The soldiers are quite well trained though to cut on costs those in the military have to buy their own equipment, meaning the richer and higher up in rank, the better one's equipment will be. The army has the opportunity to give specialized training depending on a soldier's talents so there are quite a few branches in the army one can pursue. [hr] [b]Castle Grimm People of Note[/b] [i]Lord Morrow Grimm[/i] [hider=Lord Morrow] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1287/44ae6f4edf8af5ca5c35563aab130a3e9ea889b8.jpg?1340275[/img] [/hider] A large man who gives off the aura of a warrior king, Lord Morrow makes it seem like he’d have quite the reputation, but few know much about him. He likes to go around helmeted for some reason which seems a bit errie to outsiders. Little is known about the man outside of Castle Grimm. [i]Lady Zecorra Grimm[/i] [hider=No Wings Though] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2016/3448748ea65ba9c65682e56c007a4482d04f1b3a.gif?2101223[/img] [/hider] For someone old enough to have two sixteen-year old daughters she is remarkably attractive. Her figure can seem a bit frail but her demeanor gives off a seemingly unnatural strength. It is quite apparent after observing her for only a short amount of time that she holds sway over every aspect of Castle Grimm, though her husband does have the final say in the matter, if he decides he needs to. [i]Lady Esmerelda Grimm[/i] [hider=Lady Esmerelda] [img]https://safebooru.org//samples/1874/sample_27b2c2dc4ddd85a9088c6dafd029c58643d8ce9a.png?1955926[/img] [/hider] Technically the second-born of the twins, Esmerelda Grimm is still considered an heiress to the throne. She appears gentle and kind but that demeanor merely masks her cunning and manipulative side. Quite keen minded she is quite to pick up on subtly and has quite the amount of perceptive abilities. She has a bit of a complex about her somewhat large bust and is worried about gaining weight. [i]Lady Primrosa Grimm[/i] [hider=Lady Primrosa] [img]https://safebooru.org//samples/1755/sample_bf7bf41912d896ad88d959f3216d7c12040a83a2.jpg?1835953[/img] [/hider] The first-born twin, Primrosa is, none-the-less, considered only a candidate for the throne. While Esmerelda prefers the indirect approach, Primrosa is a bit more straightforward in her personality and tactics. While not as political as her sister she is still very smart and has trained in the art of war. She is quite adaptable and handy with a blade as well. It would be wise not to underestimate her.