Ninke had expected a hot LZ and had been ready to rush out, chain-sword raised and pistol blazing. She was surprised then to find that the LZ was already set up as a base. She ordered everyone off the Chimera and gave a salute to Bertolt as they departed to where the Administratum clerk led them. Ninke had an awful feeling about this deployment. Everything was in the dark, she knew she was just a sergeant but she expected to at least be told [i]something[/i] about their enemies. She couldn't stop glancing around, trying to get clues from the base camp as to what they were up against. There was not much and eventually she gave up, returning to her prayers. She was extraordinarily surprised when the companies new CO was calling for her squad specifically, but regardless she gave the order to form up and follow the Commissar. Ninke seemed to straighten up more as she followed the woman, approaching the captains tent she was prepared for anything. Perhaps the captain would reveal what the hell they were going to be fighting. Luckily, he did exactly that. She checked the Primer and found the Tau or 'fish-heads' and they made her skin crawl. Without noticing her mouth turned into a thin scowl as she briefly read about them and their heretical ways. She quickly closed it and listened up too the Captain as he asked for a call sign... A call sign... she looked up confidently, "[color=palevioletred]I would like our Call sign to be Faith Captain.[/color]", she smiled, hopefully the squad didn't hate it. She listened to the options given and began to weigh her options... luckily for her Marcus seemed to have a good idea. It was true they all had more experience in urban environments and on the defensive. Before she could respond in such however trooper John spoke up... rather oddly. He seemed extremely distressed and... oddly angry. Unfortunately she couldn't grant his request. "[color=palevioletred]Trooper you may be excused in joost a moment. Captain, I believe Trooper Marcus is correct. But, I would rather be active. Ve vill make our vay to ze unknown settlement in the east and hold it.[/color]", she said confidently.