[quote=@supertinyking] [@Holy Soldier] Character Name: Rum the Enlightened. Title: The accident prone. Kingdom: Wazhack team? ((They have no company name, so I guess this will do?)) Visual Description:[Hider= The nature of magic, life, love, and the universe...I know none of these yet, but I will...I will.] [img]http://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderTales/PZO8500-Orontius.jpg[/img] [/hider] Written Description: Standing at 5 foot, 7 inches, not including his hat, Rum looks to be that of a older man. However his skin lacks the defining wrinkles of age, and his hair seems unnaturally colored grey to the trained eye. His robes are that as seen in his picture, ornate, along with his hat. His hair, along with his facial hair, is extremely soft, almost unnaturally so. His eyes have a slight underlying glow, betraying his magical nature. Personality: Rum is gentle, caring, and curious. He can be at time, rambunctious, and excitable like someone far younger than he is, but this stems from his internal want to discover, and learn. He has an addictive personality, and he knows it, so he strives to avoid booze, or drugs. He even takes medical supplies with caution, worried that he'd become hooked, and dependent on the stuff, paranoid about his vulnerability to such things. He also has fears about women, a encounter in the Dungeon having changed his outlook for life, causing him to eye women with terror, and paranoia. Game: Wazhack. Current Story: Wazhack is a game where the story is bare bones. An adventurer heads into a dungeon, seeking the Amulet of Zaw, and the random events of the game shape the story. Rum went into the dungeon, but returned without the amulet, and was deemed a coward. What he saw in the dungeon, no one knows. That is how Rum avoided a horrible fate, he was scared, and scarred, by the dungeon, and his cowardice kept him alive. Weapon(s): A wooden staff of +0, and a Quill and Ink, but nothing to write on. A wand of magic missile, with 30 charges. ((Magic missile is a spell in wazhack, that acts differently than in most games. It's a bolt of magic that shoots though targets, no matter their strength, but it might simply pass though without doing to much damage. It bounces off of walls, meaning it could hit the caster as well. These blasts do minimal damage.)) Stat. Level One (P)Damage 1 (P)Defense 1 (M)(E)Damage 6 (M)(E)Defense 1 Dexterity 1 0% XP ////////// (0/10) General Abilities [color=ed1c24]Scribe: Rum is, with enough time, able to copy down spells onto scrolls. This costs him paper, and ink, of course. These scrolls can be used by anyone, no matter their intelligence or other such factors, however, unless told by Rum, or another wizard, one most likely will have no way of knowing what a spell does, until they use the scroll.[/color] [color=yellow][b](This seems more like a Strength than an ability. If you're trying to make it an ability, then it needs to specifically do something. The spells that can be written need to be listed out if that's the case. If there is more than one spell that your character knows that causes an affect, then it is a general ability and you will have to acquire new spells with leveling.)[/b][/color] Slot One. Special Abilities Slot One. Items Slot One. Slot Two. Slot Three. Strengths [color=ed1c24]Time only moves, when I move: Wazhack had, before Super...Hot, the quirk of when you didn't make a move, the game froze organically, allowing you to stop, and plot out your actions. As such, in most any situations, Rum will be able to plan what he does next, in great detail. Falling, swimming, or flying causes him to be stuck in normal flowing time, however, as well as being able to see something coming doesn't mean he'll be able to move to stop it, or do anything really, meaning while he'd be better at dodging, he won't be able to always avoid what comes next, many times having to grit his teeth in anticipation for that boot aimed at his nads.[/color] [color=yellow][b](This needs to be a General Ability, especially since you said the game no longer does this. This also isn't natural to the character. So it's going to be either this as an ability or the cat.)[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]Familiar: Rum has a tabby cat following him. It is easily able to maul creatures like goblins, and kobolds, small weak humanoid creatures even when they are armed with clubs, and swords. However, something larger, like a Bugbear, can easily dispatch them. This should note the weaknesses of such creatures, rather than the strength of the bugbear. The tabby cat can also sniff out malignant magical enchantments, warning Rum if they are cursed.[/color] [color=yellow][b](Companions are going to be a General Ability in this game. Because people more than likely use them as weapons. In this case, you're using the creature in such a way.)[/b][/color] Wazhack Biology: Rum can leap, and run rather well, having near infinite stamina, as long as he has food to go along with it. He doesn't NEED to sleep, but doing so heals him. He also seems to be fine without water, as hunger is his only concern when it comes to bodily maintenance. Arcanist: Rum is able to easily read most spell books from his dimension, and learn how to cast spells form said books with only a few minutes of reading for the first time, and then a few moments to refresh his memory later. Weaknesses Fast Metabolism: Rum needs constant food, lest he rapidly starve, a trope among many games of this sort. For example, he can, after a night's rest, go though an entire pie for break fast, and nearly a dozen full meals, lest he begin to grow hungry, and if not doing so for the next day, will begin to starve, his body wilting like a dying flower as it digests itself, desperately trying to keep him alive. Weak: Rum's not able to lift, or carry much, before he starts to become encumbered. When encumbered, when he does move, time moves twice as fast, despite it only going at its normal pace for him, leading enemies to act like the flash, moving insanely fast to him. He becomes encumbered carrying more than 60 lbs of gear. Frail: Rum is a wizard. They don't wear any armor, lest it interfere with their spell casting, and render them useless. As such, Rum risks being easily attacked, and killed. Memorization: While able to learn from most any spell book, if Rum does not study his books daily, he will loose his magic abilities. However, he need a few seconds to do so, so this will most likely come into play with their destruction, rather than time problems. Achievements --------------------- Side note, I'm not very experienced with Advanced casual rps. I do hope my cs is decent to your standards, Soldier. [/quote]