[color=orangered][center][h1]Kreiss Stahl[/h1][/center][/color] [b][color=orangered]"Oh cool, here's your apple back."[/color][/b] Kreiss sad, tossing the half-eaten apple high in the air. [b][color=orangered]"Unless that is you feel like something else right now, I've got a bunch of options..."[/color][/b] He dropped his backpack and started rummaging through it. He had several spare provisions from the night before. He started taking them out to offer them to Chara, and also because he was getting a little hungry himself. [b][color=orangered]"I've got some dried meat, bread, cheese, fresh apples..."[/color][/b] He said, taking them out one at a time and juggling to keep them up. By the time he was done; he was juggling 2 apples, a small wedge of cheese, 3 bread (just bread), a small hunk of beef jerky; a small knife to cut it all with and he was still rummaging through his bag with his foot. He was juggling the collection of items without much effort, he wasn't even actually paying attention to it all. [b][color=orangered]"I think that's everything... Oh right!"[/color][/b] He said, extracting his foot and remembering he was also in mixed company. He turned around but everyone else had suddenly disappeared. He quickly scanned the area and saw them all going off doing something or other. They were still mostly nearby but he was still a little confused. [b][color=orangered]"Eh, whatever."[/color][/b] He said, turning back around to address the company he still had left. [b][color=orangered]"Sagant, you want any either?"[/color][/b] [hr] [@Mega Birb][@The1Rolling1Boy]