Yobi finally managed to get a look at the person the woman she was following was talking to. She didn't need to hear him speak to realize he, too, was a traveler. [/i]How fortuitous,[/i] she thought, [i]maybe they're fun travelers! And he looks like he'd bring fun toys along with him![/i] Of course, she didn't mean children's toys. She meant anything weird that foreign travelers brought with him. He certainly looked like he'd traveled a long way and could have fun stuff. She would ask, of course. She'd only try to be sneaky about it afterward. [i]But what if they split up?[/i] This was a serious concern. She could only follow one, and she'd prefer to follow the one who went to the square, but then she heard an easy question: [i]"I was wondering where I could find a place to stay for a while? I guess you wouldn't know, but it would be hard to find on my own."[/i] This was the perfect opportunity for Yobi to keep the two together, be helpful, see the fun, and segue into the awkward question of [i]what kind of fun stuff do you have?[/i] She half-skipped between the two who were talking, still in a good mood from the revelation. "Greetings! I heard you needed a place to stay? There's a really nice inn here! And I'd know because I help out there sometimes! And you're in luck: the owner, with some help from me (and others), has made a new version of curry-spiced-salmon! And there's a LOT of it because it's such an important holiday today, especially for travelers such as yourselves," Yeah, it was cheap talk, and probably a bit suspicious, but she had to lead into what she was going to say while they were distracted, "but you don't need to worry about that yet. It's still...somewhat early! You don't want to miss the butterflies! Come on come on comon cmon cmon! To the square!" She stopped short of grabbing both of them to drag them before realizing some rather important facts. First, she hadn't introduced herself, and second, she literally just walked up to two strangers who likely have never been here before, and interjected herself into their conversation. Third, they may not be as excited as she was about butterflies. Only one of those things could be fixed now. "I'm Yobi, by the way. I live here. At that inn over there." She points in the general direction of Ameiko's inn. "Nice to meet you. You wouldn't happen to be hunters or...mean at all?"