Much like the others, Khaz had been expecting the opportunity to charge out of the metal box he was in to lay into the enemies of the Emperor and start raking up some kills. While somewhat disappointed about the fact that they didn't have things to kill right away, Khaz didn't complain beyond a few grunts. Following the rest of the squad around with a slight amount of youthful impatience to enter combat (Mostly just fidgeting on his part), Khaz didn't say anything as they ended up in front of the more veteran fighters in order to [i]decide[/i] where they would be fighting and what they would be trying to do in general. Listening to his new pack leader, he nodded his head slightly in private agreement. "[color=f26522]If they have committed the crime of abandoning the Emperor for the promises of dark and alien gods, they will die quickly and painfully. [/color]" Was the only statement that he felt the need to make.